Example sentences of "can make [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I can make phone calls and no one knows I 'm in jeans . ’
2 In that case I can give you my Mercury my business Mercury number and you can make phone calls on the company from here .
3 He can make gravy
4 Filing for chapter 11 can make sense in other circumstances .
5 You and I have this wonderful mission to share Christ with others , this mysterious treasure who alone can make sense of it all .
6 The need for such a sketch is obvious when one recalls that ritual and ritualistic ideas can make sense only when taken in reference to a total structure of thought and system of social and historical reality ( most of which I shall , of course , be able only to touch on here ) .
7 Nevertheless , the real value of land is constant ; and capital invested in it will not deteriorate with inflation ; in the long term the purchase of a smallholding even at inflated prices , can make sense if the buyer can hold back enough to put it in order , and stock and equip it .
8 In fact , incineration can make sense if the energy generated is used to heat homes ; less power will be needed from power stations , which means that less carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere .
9 If you are one of a group of Homes , it can make sense to arrange joint activities .
10 So it can make sense , in these early formative years , when vitamins have such a positive effect on healthy development , hat your child takes a supplement .
11 I do not think either that we can make sense of the Devil in the language of contemporary philosophy or science ; on the other hand neither do I believe that we should try and invent a modern mythology that makes the Devil more credible and accessible .
12 What we can do is attempt to get hold of the rules of the game so that we can make sense of a game as it is played .
13 Radcliffe-Brown , however , elegantly shows us how we can make sense of all this without invoking the tenuous spectre of an earlier ‘ matriarchal ’ stage which he points out would actually have quite the opposite influence .
14 If the attitudinist can make sense of deductive reasoning as applied to ethical statements , it seems that he can make sense of the embedding of ethical sentences in complex sentences where the attitude they would express on their own is , so to speak , held in reserve .
15 If the attitudinist can make sense of deductive reasoning as applied to ethical statements , it seems that he can make sense of the embedding of ethical sentences in complex sentences where the attitude they would express on their own is , so to speak , held in reserve .
16 Sometimes it can make sense to borrow short term to avoid unlocking well-placed savings or investments .
17 It is in virtue of such rules that we can make sense of the idea that we are objectively correct to call the new sensation a pain .
18 Nor does cran — seem to carry any meaning into newly coined forms : we can make sense , for instance , of billy-giraffe and nanny-giraffe by analogy with billy-goat and nanny-goat , and also of foot the fees ; but creations like cranbeads and bilbeads convey nothing , although one might have expected some interpretation such as ‘ small round red beads ’ and ‘ small round purple beads ’ .
19 erm and now see if you can make sense of it .
20 So you 've got to get a system where you can something that 'll help you so you can make sense of it and and learn .
21 When time is important , as in examinations , it can make sense to reduce the number of sentences .
22 The politicians may say Blah but the computers go on saying 0110100 or whatever it is , and it 's the people who can make sense of that who 'll be in the top bunk when the dam breaks .
23 Being an available technology and the only one that can deliver high quality interactive video , videodiscs continue to be used in training , especially in dedicated applications commissioned by large corporations who can make sense of the economics .
24 In times of high interest rates , keeping your money in a safe investment such as a bank or building society can make sense .
25 The only way you can make sense of it is that it 's it 's design to get a competitor out of the market .
26 Charles 's following ( populus ) then swore " in its own language , the lingua romana " : " If Louis keeps the oath which he swears to his brother Charles , and my lord Charles for his part does not keep his , if I can not make him refrain [ from that action ] , then neither I nor any other whom I can make refrain will give him any aid against Louis " .
27 But when Diversion hit their stride as they do tonight with the EP 's lead track , ‘ Cheese ’ , they can make guitar pop which is unpredictable and original , seething with speedy adrenalin , immediately catchy and funkily danceable .
28 See if you can make contact with it , this magical thing called Englishness .
29 If you do want to enjoy a one-to-one relationship of a companionable or romantic nature there are various ways one can make contact , other people who want to do the same and they need not have marriage as an aim if that is not what you want .
30 " But he 's only going over for our sakes — so we can make contact . "
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