Example sentences of "can claim to " in BNC.

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1 Deer , wild boar , so we can claim to be connoisseurs .
2 Archaeologists have established that Jericho can claim to be one of the very oldest cities in the world , with a history going back all of ten thousand years .
3 If America and Eastern Europe have been the world leaders , the only countries in the world that can claim to be clean are those where the athletes are too poor to afford the drugs .
4 In recounting the anecdote , Ashwina can claim to be part of a shared network of understandings .
5 ( Too often a breed which can claim to be productive even on poor quality fodder is given just that and expected to thrive . )
6 The Royal Company of Archers , based in Edinburgh , better known as the Monarch 's Bodyguard in Scotland , was not formed until 1676,193 years after the Kilwinning Society , but as they have had a continuous existence also , they can claim to be the oldest archery company in Scotland .
7 The process will , of course , be greatly expedited if the Tories form the next Government and the Prime Minister can claim to be his own man with his own mandate .
8 Walking is the only means of transport that can claim to be universal … yet the pedestrian is the most neglected of travellers … ironically , it is perhaps because walking is so commonplace that it is neglected — pedestrians are so universal as to be almost invisible .
9 Whereas we used to have what you might call an across-the-table relationship with our customers , now we can claim to be sitting on the same side of the table . ’
10 CCLA runs three common investment funds , and can claim to be the leader of the pack .
11 But at least her psychosis gave students of English literature and social history a book which can claim to be the first extant long prose narrative in the English language , and the first autobiography by a psychotic personality .
12 Certainly , although having a resident population of just over a thousand , it can claim to be the capital of a very extensive area of the north , there being no larger town within forty miles .
13 Brownie points will be scored by any reviewers who can claim to be familiar with Updike 's earlier work on the same man , in Buchanan Dying ( 1974 ) , provided they remember that it was , of course , a play .
14 The apprehension of being ‘ seized ’ by the police is always present , but some of the arrests are pro forma so that local authorities can claim to be showing the necessary zeal .
15 Along with algebraic number theory algebraic geometry can claim to be one of the main motivating factors behind an autonomous theory of current interest , that of commutative rings .
16 Even the excellent Amphibious range of submersibles is quickly banjaxed by blanketweed , and who can claim to be free of that ?
17 Whether or not Woolwich can claim to be awarded that interest depends on whether it had a cause of action to recover each payment as a debt due it on the date when it was made .
18 In summary , it seems rather unlikely that forecasts taking the mid-1980s as a base year can claim to be measuring demand accurately .
19 Does The Faerie Queene insist that it is to be read in such a manner that its role as a history ( which as both epic and romance it can claim to be symbolically ) must be seen as intrinsically different from the account of the English in Ireland which Spenser outlines in A View ?
20 It is difficult to understand how the Government can claim to be concerned about looking after the welfare of citizens when there has been a fourfold increase in the incidence of food poisoning in the past 10 years .
21 After the summit , we must ask how the Prime Minister can claim to be at the heart of Europe when , because of his actions , our country is not even part of the key decisions that will shape the Europe of the future .
22 The Geological Society of London is the largest geological society in the UK , and its journal , through its antecedent titles , can claim to be the world 's oldest geological journal .
23 It is perhaps tempting to assume , after the Government 's recent ban on ivory imports , that the UK can claim to be a shining example of those striving to control the trade in wild animals and plants and their products .
24 The Geological Society of London is the largest geological society in the UK , and its journal , through its antecedent titles , can claim to be the world 's oldest geological journal .
25 The group relief position between the various members of the vendor group , including Target , needs to be considered by both Newco and the vendor , because it will have a bearing on : ( a ) what the parties to the buy-out agree should be paid by Target for group relief to be surrendered to it by other members of the vendor group or , conversely , what payment Target should receive for losses and other group relief items which are available for surrender from Target to other members of the vendor group ; ( b ) whether adjustments need to be made to inter-company loan accounts ; for example if it has been assumed that in the accounting period of Target in which the buy-out occurs it will achieve a certain level of profitability which will enable it to claim group relief from other group companies and that those other companies will accordingly be able to write off £x of inter-company debt due to Target , the fact that Target leaves the vendor group , say , half-way through that accounting period , will prima facie reduce the amount of group relief it can claim to half of £x ; furthermore Newco may not be willing to pay as much as half of £x out of Target unless this represents a discount on the amount of corporation tax Target would otherwise have to pay on such profits ; additionally , the notional disposals which Target makes under s179 TCGA when it leaves the group may either increase its profits ( if a gain arises ) or decrease them ( if a loss arises ) ; ( c ) what the parties agree in terms of indemnity cover for Newco for tax charges crystallising in Target ; for example , the vendor goup may agree to surrender sufficient group relief to Target free of charge to preclude any charge to corporation tax arising from the operation of s179 when Target leaves the group .
26 He can no more diminish the amount of income which he has power to enjoy by the amount of his expenses than any other taxpayer who chooses to expend his income , however prudently , can claim to be taxed on what is left after the expenditure .
27 I 'm always willing to stand down if somebody can claim to be a little older .
28 It 's the boat race tomorrow … and with sixteen wins in seventeen years … and six victories in a row the Oxford boat club can claim to be the most successful team in British sport … so how do they do it … what 's the secret of their success … we can reveal all tonight its down to Heather and Bert … and a piano player called Kate … they 're all in our Friday Feature
29 He adds : ‘ If you long for the day when Britain can claim to be the first mainly Afro-Asian part of Europe , vote Conservative or Europe . ’
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