Example sentences of "would be considered " in BNC.

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1 He said but she 'd be considered along with all the others but she ai n't gon na get a job with terminal full time when her contract runs out on May the eighteenth if she does n't get her finger out and get dr driving test passed and buy herself a car .
2 The government subsequently announced to the press that ‘ a research visit to Sri Lanka would be considered favourably if a formal request were made ’ by AI .
3 The government subsequently announced that ‘ a research visit to Sri Lanka would be considered favourably if a formal request were made ’ .
4 By this time the guitar had made its popular impact , and in just five years time it would be considered virtually the instrument of musical expression .
5 What could legitimately be described as ‘ dubious tactics ’ on Malham Cove in the early 70s would have been regarded as quite normal in the early 60s and would be considered style of pathological purity in the 90s .
6 The 18 later left the building after being assured they would be considered for emigration .
7 Compared to sex offences on children , which cause universal shock and horror to policemen , in the masculine occupational culture of the station women are sex objects and , in other circumstances , would be considered ‘ fair game ’ .
8 This would be considered a success for a first release from a fairly new act .
9 Again this would , by and large , be true of most of the matrilineal societies of New Guinea where , by most reckoning , the status of women would be considered lower than in many of the patrilineal societies of West Africa .
10 This problem was solved in a manner which would be considered quite unconventional in other parts of India .
11 Mr Stanley Goodchild , county director of education , said the decision would be considered carefully and a report made to the education committee on December 20 .
12 These would be considered alongside the Delors plan , would go beyond its stage I , and would not require any central bank or common currency , but would result in more consistent monetary policies , Mrs Thatcher insisted .
13 These would be considered alongside the Delors plan , would go beyond its stage I , and would not require any central bank or common currency , but would result in more consistent monetary policies , Mrs Thatcher insisted .
14 Ray Lewington has named a squad of 14 although , he said , ‘ in normal circumstances only three would be considered .
15 Mr Patten said this meant that all releases of waste from large industrial processes would be considered together before a discharge licence was granted .
16 Although not illegal , it would be considered unethical , and as long as Crevecoeur could pay back whatever money Jahsaxa claimed SHe 'd cost her , the contract would be dissolved .
17 Anyone who maintained such a preposterous theory would be considered mad , and rightly so !
18 The Tory manifesto said renewal of the BBC charter in 1996 would be considered ‘ against the background of the much more varied and competitive broadcasting environment which our policies have created ’ .
19 Nationalism encourages a collective vanity , paeans of self-praise ( ‘ We are the greatest ’ ) , which would be considered childish in an adult .
20 If you look hard you can still find old shops with window displays like an undertaker 's , where a single navy-blue woollen glove on a metal stand would be considered a showy Christmas display .
21 In such circumstances , an event which normally would be considered insignificant might produce a reaction of worthlessness , guilt or shame ; or might provoke over-criticism of others , probably a subconscious effort to raise self-esteem .
22 Similarly , becoming a hermit and avoiding contact with other people would be considered deviant behaviour but it is not criminal .
23 Nowadays it would be considered kinky indeed for a Catholic priest to acquire a tonsure at the hairdressers — or to parade around in soutane and biretta .
24 Later on the same page he makes this challenging statement ‘ If any of us actually had the power to release souls from purgatory and refused to exercise that power except in return for a payment of money he would be considered cruel and unchristian — which indeed he would be . ’
25 If the same criteria is used however , as is used to determine the ‘ best practicable means ’ under the public health legislation , then the cost involved in complying with the conditions and the financial state of the company would be considered .
26 So far there is little here that would run counter to what would be considered orthodox Marxist views .
27 ( The adult readers might like to list those books , and other reading matter , for which they have a particular affection or which they feel have made a contribution to their lives , and then check to see how many of them would be considered to be of the highest literary worth . )
28 Aircraft maintenance function would be considered today as having five generations of development , as follows ( see Fig. 5 ) :
29 In many cases homoeopathic treatment is much more successful than orthodox treatment and can achieve results which would be considered impossible with orthodox treatment .
30 Eventually , everything would be considered in terms of sales .
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