Example sentences of "would be needed " in BNC.

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1 Care would be needed with the wording used in any such scheme and ACET can give you more details about this .
2 Wheels are very difficult to date accurately and very detailed examination would be needed to establish its age .
3 Initial government money would be needed to get the scheme off the ground .
4 Originally , the team mixed prawn nutrients with amines , thinking that they would be needed to form the capsule .
5 It is also understood that the Treasury by then was concluding that an interest rate increase would be needed to ensure a clampdown on inflation .
6 All hands would be needed .
7 Including part-time workers , the LPU said almost 10million people were low paid and pay rises of 25.8 per cent would be needed to restore them to their relative position in 1979 .
8 He did not explain why the campaign had suddenly reversed its recently declared position that passports would be needed for more than 300,000 key wage-earners in the colony as well as their families .
9 And even if this could be got round , extra sums would be needed for redundancy payments , investment and modernisation .
10 The Social Democrat parties on both sides of the inner-German border agreed in early January 1990 that £72 billion would be needed to replace the brown coal generators which provide 70 per cent of East Germany 's energy and clean up the water and sewage systems .
11 By the time his aunt arrived Jamie was so far recovered as to be able to refuse to go home and to point out , severely , that he would be needed , either to assist the police or to be lead rider in the eleven-thirty class , or possibly both .
12 Peter Yeo felt a headache starting , and felt the familiar pressure just above the right eye worsen with the realization that in precisely five minutes he would be needed in a meeting .
13 No mention was made in the 1956 Defence White Paper of the possibility of ending National Service , but within the War Office a committee was set up under General Sir Richard Hull ( later to become Field Marshal , succeeding Mountbatten in 1965 as Chief of Defence Staff ) to examine the size of regular Army that would be needed , and could be recruited , if National Service was abolished .
14 The vigour with which changes were imposed would help to create public confidence in his administration ; and a measure of ruthlessness would be needed to overcome the conservatism of the military establishment .
15 Greater emphasis would be needed , as Watkinson proposed , on military intervention capability rather than on the existing network of colonial garrisons .
16 To get down even to this level among the nuclear five , some pretty intrusive inspection ( including challenges on site ) would be needed .
17 To be confident that the technology of evasion was not outstripping the technology of verification , better radiation monitoring and satellite inspection would be needed .
18 That is still a far cry from the several years of falling output that would be needed to justify the term ‘ depression ’ .
19 Crowley and Ericsson , two western firms , claim that only six-nine months and $100m would be needed to fit seven Polish cities with mobile-telephone networks compatible with the existing systems .
20 If push ever did come again to shove , American muscles would be needed to push back .
21 Earlier this year the World Food Programme was reckoning that some 5m people were at risk of famine in the north of the country ; if so , some 1.2m tonnes of grain would be needed to feed them , of which a bit over half has been pledged by donors .
22 A settlement of the Arab-Israel dispute would be a great prize , but a cool even-handedness would be needed to grasp it .
23 Since some astronomers believe that the shock wave from a supernova would be needed to trigger the formation of a solar system , direct evidence of such an explosion would be illuminating , to say the least .
24 Mr Altman has worked out what yield spreads above those on Treasuries would be needed to compensate for default rates at current levels .
25 According to this account , to serve as satisfactory starting-points for scientific demonstration , the first principles , or axioms , need themselves to be indemonstrable ; otherwise a demonstration would be needed of them .
26 A minimum of £60,000 would be needed to cover fees for two children attending public school from age nine to 18 .
27 Thorn is a floating voter , but a Labour victory would be better for business , as replacements would be needed for the boxes which Tories wished to keep for old times ' sake .
28 Despite this downward movement , the Central Statistical Office calculates that £2.47 would be needed today to match the buying power of £1 when Mrs Thatcher quoted Saint Francis of Assisi after her first Conservative victory .
29 All that would be needed to perfect the system would be to eliminate the final and most tiresome source of error — the electors .
30 This would have to carry the 3.0 m ewes which the Meat and Livestock Commission consider would be needed to provide the present contribution , 50% of national lamb production , from upland and hill ewes as well as the 800,000 or so cows receiving subsidy .
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