Example sentences of "would work [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 He used to give me an hours warning and then we 'd work through until it got dark out in the fields and then we 'd go into the sheds and restack the hay or whatever he wanted to do .
2 With the growth in pre-marital sexual experience which has taken place , it might be supposed that selection of a long-term partner on these lines would be easier ; but human beings still have a tendency to believe that everything will be all right in the end and a surprising number have said to me , " things did n't go too well before we married but I thought they 'd work out . "
3 Erm I du n no this is somebody else 's paper so This is before I had a I worked it out as I I th I thought it 'd work out a three- four-five triangle .
4 In those days they did n't use mileometers , what they did was they took any particular route number and the number of journeys they did , because in those days a bus kept on a route which applied , say between Witton and Rushmere Heath all day , did n't run around like they do nowadays and erm when the schedules were prepared , each bus had got a route number or was placed on a route number , say one Witton , two Witton , three Witton and a copy of its schedule was recorded on another sheet and the mileage , having known what the mileage was and we 'd used to obtain that from the Borough Surveyor 's Department , er I think it was about nine point one four miles a return trip Witton and Rushmere Heath , er you 'd work out how many journeys they did there and say well that bus was due to run a hundred and twenty six miles during the day .
5 I tried your mobile as well but I did n't think it would work up there in the mountains and sure enough all I got was the recording saying try again later . ’
6 To provide the cash equivalent , ( assuming an average of £50 per child per week ) would work out at £215,377 a year .
7 Miss Emma Nicholson , MP for Devon West , a member of the delegation , said that would work out at about £20,000 for each victim .
8 Two adults and two children staying 10 nights at the Hotel Cavanna in La Manga in Spain in June would work out , with the discount , at £907 .
9 How that would work out in practice is unclear .
10 The capital cost of Hunslet 's traction equipment , supplied by a Netherlands firm , is higher than that of many D.C. varieties , but Regional Railways accepted the argument that it would work out cheaper long-term because of its economic use of energy and low maintenance .
11 The capital cost of Hunslet 's traction equipment , supplied by a Netherlands firm , is higher than that of many D.C. varieties , but Regional Railways accepted the argument that it would work out cheaper long-term because of its economic use of energy and low maintenance .
12 The EC has also put forward an advisory , non-binding , maximum figure that would work out at about 87.5p a gallon at current rates .
13 In 1981 , the corporation argued to a House of Lords Select Committee that the tenure mix within the LDDC would work out at about 50 per cent owner-occupied , 25 per cent shared-equity tenure and 25 per cent housing association .
14 I was a bit worried about how the string-balance would work out on this guitar , since the pickup has to be bent around the corner on the Lowden 's split-saddle channel , but everything 's fine .
15 No matter how long it took , she said , those who were left in South Ronaldsay would work out shifts on the various farms .
16 The monthly payments would work out at £4.34 each .
17 Allowing 10 minutes per client for collection each week , assuming the collector gets rather less than average industrial earnings and himself copes with all the paperwork involved during those 10 minutes , and assuming that the trading check firm pays the shops where the check has been used ( less its commission — perhaps 12½ per cent ) about a month after writing the check , the actual return to the lender would work out at only 7 per cent — that is to say , less than the firm 's own borrowing costs would be , even without making any allowance for either bad debts and late payments or office overheads .
18 Then , when you married John I … well , I just hoped that things would work out for you and for Fiona and myself .
19 Besides , I argued with myself , the trip would work out well .
20 In practice , I 'm not so sure it would work out . ’
21 ‘ Surely , with the right man that would work out ? ’
22 A 2 per cent discount for cash would work out at £400 a year but then there is the embarrassment of haggling in front of clients . ’
23 He was , for instance , punctilious about paying his models the agreed amount and would work out the precise sum owed to the last quarter of an hour .
24 He therefore made a radical break with the French socialist tradition of speculation on the details of a socialist society , in favour of developing the real working class movement against capitalism which would work out the ‘ details of socialism ’ in the process of struggle .
25 If we would give him half an hour to get over the shock of his resurrection he would quietly sit down with a piece of paper ( the back of a bigger envelope , I suppose ) and would work out the relevant design formulae .
26 As for Sylvia , there was something which could be working itself out between his only daughter and this Honourable : whether it would work out well or ill or at all , he wanted to be there to see it develop .
27 If 2 had been going to choose A , she would work out that 1 would plan to choose B , in which case she would change her planned action to whatever is the best response to B , so falsifying the initial assumption that she would choose A. Thus 1 can not persist in believing 2 will choose A if he knows that she is as rational and well-informed as he is .
28 He had known that Sidacai would work out the nature of the venture before he had to be told .
29 In the long term , he said , the government would not take us out of the recession ; the recession would work out naturally .
30 er you know so far as we can get that erm and I 'll then give you a description of how the theory er predicts your er preferences for behaving in particular ways , would work out .
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