Example sentences of "would need [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 'd need money , ’ he said , ‘ if we ran away . ’
2 Whether the Council I , I personally would be quite keen to go down there and see A , and we 'd need permission of the land owners , to do this , to see where the link could go across , you know , the best position , so that we , and I believe this is what Councillor is saying , so that we can actually come forward and maybe this ought to be a meeting with the Amenities Committee , maybe the Ramblers and bear in mind as I say again I hate to do these things and the land owner think we 're steamrollering 'em into something without their knowledge .
3 He 'd need adrenalin right into the vein and she did n't have a medical kit with her .
4 Now , I 'm not an accountant Bob , but you 'd need way in excess of thirty thousand
5 Well , I 'd need help for the sitting-room .
6 Knowing general family traits provided a good starting point and from assorted references I began to get an idea of the species I could hope to find myself and those for which I 'd need help .
7 ‘ Ah , go on , Mam , you 'd need tea on a bad day like this , ’ Patsy said encouragingly .
8 " It may come to that , but you 'd need time , and probably wider terms of reference — I can see that .
9 Although the sets made in Leicester do not have digital circuits , ITT would need Digivision Broadcast 's permission to use the name .
10 Whatever the result turned out to be , I would need sustenance , ( the Eccles cakes being something of a long shot ) , and that meant being prepared to risk leaving the Shell for a lightning raid into Pigeon Alley .
11 It would need management resources , and some members would have to reduce their commitment to general medical services .
12 And in ca erm in the event of long term sickness you reckon your wife again would need salary ?
13 I understand the various accou er professional bodies in the accountancy industry are in fact doing that but I think the government should also do that because it is not just the probity of financial institutions we are concerned about , it is also er the auditing of other commercial concerns and it seems to be that in this case the public interest has taken second place to the government 's wish to do as little as possible , yet again the minister said in the debate that if we were to do anything further in response to a question put by my honourable friend the member for Grimsby , it would need legislation , primary legislation .
14 Some have armies and weapons because they fear that , come a war , they would need protection and defences .
15 If elimination of lead in petrol could reduce blood levels by half — as the study assumed — it would reduce average blood pressure levels by 1 to 2 points , thereby meaning that 12,000 fewer people would need treatment for hypertension annually , there would be 6,000 to 12,000 fewer heart attacks , and up to 2,655 lives would be saved — more than the total number of fatalities on the nation 's roads each year .
16 They would need clothing and shelter for the extremes of weather , and weaponry to protect themselves from the wild animals and hostile tribes which roamed the desolate regions they were to visit .
17 Local authorities could be brought into that and such an amnesty would need Home Office funding and improved publicity .
18 Czechoslovakia 's ceiling of 140,000 would need adjustment , officials said , in view of the anticipated creation of separate Czech and Slovak states .
19 Any accountancy fiddles ( e. g. notionally splitting units into several ‘ farms ’ to claim on more than 50 LUs ) would need vigilance by the Agriculture Departments .
20 Breeding would need space
21 Recognizing this , NASA ( 1988a ) concluded that forthcoming global science projects would need land surface altitude data at three resolutions : 1 km resolution in XY and 10–100 m resolution in Z on a global basis , 100 m XY resolution and 1–10 m resolution in Z for regional databases and 10 m XY resolution and 0.1–1 m in Z for local studies .
22 Emily might be able to persuade the supplier to call the debt in , just as a favour of course , then Hari would need money at once , she would have no choice but to throw in her lot with Emily .
23 It became clear that if the Community 's work was to continue , they would need money and thus the Sisters went out begging in other villages , and visiting the gentry in their mansions scattered about that part of the Moor .
24 It would need money but it would be worth it .
25 They would need breakfast at 7am .
26 However , such proposals would need ratification by the two executives .
27 The clinching argument that Mr Dixon made about informing his father of his literary success was that probably Hank would need help in investing discreetly the earnings of the book , and it was well known that Mr Stych was an astute businessman .
28 Second , to obtain recognition , as French Foreign Minister Schuman put it in tripartite talks with the Americans and the British in September , 1949 , that the French were the hard core of resistance to communist attempts to take over , initially , Indo-China and ultimately all of Southeast Asia and that as France was fighting the battle of all the democratic powers she would need help .
29 To avoid disturbing the chimps , Christophe had hoped to keep numbers entering the forest to an absolute minimum , but it was now obvious that Mike would need help carrying the camera gear .
30 They were heavy , and Ben Hesketh would need help to carry them out to his car .
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