Example sentences of "would rather go " in BNC.

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1 Then I thought stuff that , I 'd rather go to Ibiza with my literary agent , Alison , and take some Ecstasy .
2 I 'd rather go home , but I du n no how to get there , and I do n't want to get lost .
3 ‘ I 'd rather go to bed and read . ’
4 Well I 'd rather go with grandma , rather than my mother . ’
5 ‘ I 'm not afraid of falling off , look you ; I love riding , ’ cried Deborah indignantly , ‘ and I 'd rather go home on horseback than by car .
6 ‘ I 'd rather go back to work , ’ said Sarah .
7 I realised Michael could save me maybe five years of work , but I figured I 'd rather go slow and steady than to go fast and have it all fall apart .
8 ‘ But I 'll tell you this , I 'd rather go 12 rounds with Lennox Lewis than face a 25-yarder from our full-back Clive Freeman !
9 ‘ I 'd rather go to bed with you than see round any house , ’ she said .
10 At twenty she 'd rather go riding or fishing with him than up to Dublin or down to a dance .
11 ‘ Anything will do , though I 'd rather go away , if you could manage it . ’
12 He told club members who rushed to help him : ‘ I 'd rather go for a pint with my mates . ’
13 I tell you , I 'd rather go without than have that lot screw me .
14 I 'd rather go back to the Ministry Of Defence ! ’
15 I 'd rather go to Kashmir or Goa . ’
16 When a policeman told her it was an offence to deface her driving licence by stabbing a nailfile through her date of birth , she said she 'd rather go to prison .
17 Though I suppose you 'd rather go to Scotland and be with your mother . ’
18 " As for going underground , I 'd rather go back over the heather .
19 Even with all his bills to pay he 'd rather go to the pub .
20 Oh yes I know one man there now , well he 's so dumb he 'd rather go down the hold , than he would do marking the pencil and paper .
21 He 's so thick , you know he 'll say right I 'll go down the hold , I 'll do the humping , what they call humping , he 'll do that , loading these slings or bags , rather than him standing there and say well ten bags in that sling , put ten down , he could n't do that , so he 'd rather go down the hold that 's happened .
22 ‘ If you 'd rather go home to rest and get over the shock … ’
23 She did n't want to die , but if it came to that she 'd rather go out fighting .
24 ‘ I decided I 'd rather go to a small club and work my way up .
25 Rob teases her by saying that she 'd rather go round a supermarket than climb a mountain , but there 's ‘ many a true word … ’ and all that .
26 I 'd rather go in the shop and see it cos sometimes , especially if it 's got a pattern on turn out to be better than the catalogue cos when it comes , it do n't look the same , and then the same colour do you ?
27 That wo n't last till ten I 'd rather go and rack .
28 I 'd rather go out with dad anyway .
29 poo I would n't want that , I 'd rather go America
30 I 'd rather go to New York , yeah definitely
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