Example sentences of "would expect [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I went along there one afternoon and stuck my head round the door ; saw two men in the sort of office you 'd expect of solicitors — box files in neat rows and shelf upon shelf of law reports .
2 He comes over well as a person , with all the outer confidence you 'd expect of a company representative .
3 It 's the last thing I 'd expect of Oliver .
4 Just as I 'd expect of Maurice 's sister . ’
5 ‘ It 's more what you 'd expect of Durham country than Hertfordshire . ’
6 You , at least , I 'd expect to be a bit of a sport ! ’
7 Just just as a matter of interest , Graham , I was looking at the er , the rates yesterday , cos I 've been paying my mortgage over ten ye , over the last eleven years , and erm , bearing in mind the premiums I 've been paying before my endowments would have been er , er , you 'd expect to be more recent , because I was er , young
8 That 's about what you 'd expect for a tractor of this size .
9 The JD Tele wins out on knobs , since the Signature 's volume control is horribly graunchy — again , not what you 'd expect for this kind of money .
10 The stitching is well finished and the Safari is a good quality shirt — but no more than you 'd expect for the price .
11 His followers sold out the Hammersmith Odeon before any major label knew who he was , and more recently , when he appeared on the black talent show The 291 Club simply to present an award , he received the kind of reception you 'd expect for the ghost of Marvin Gaye .
12 But I 'm always reminded of a large bomber aircraft coming in to land , moving very much more slowly than you 'd expect for something of its size .
13 As you 'd expect with this age group , there is an immediate barrage of responses .
14 That you 're greeted in the first place with erm either silence or some vague and not singularly hopeful mutter , but more importantly with a curious facial expression mingled between erm dread and contempt , sort of thing you 'd expect as if you 'd said you were a sorcerer .
15 As you 'd expect on the Isle of Wight there 's an endless list of bed and breakfasts .
16 The analogue recording is clean , smooth , and well-balanced , but benefits from being given a little extra playback volume to help bring the instruments into focus ; fortunately tape hiss levels are as low as you 'd expect on a good digital recording .
17 The quality of workmanship is what you 'd expect on an instrument costing just under thirteen hundred pounds and even if it was n't a limited edition I 'd still say it was worth the money .
18 The facilities on the A4 are the kind you 'd expect on a unit costing rather more .
19 Erm well really it 's just what I said , it 's er roughly speaking it 's when er a string of words does n't have the meaning you 'd expect on the basis of the standard semantics of the language , but rather has a fixed different meaning and whenever there 's any apparent structure in it , I E several words , er , their , their normal meanings are irrelevant which is the meaning of the whole phrase .
20 Well this boat 's fitted with the race pack which gives it a lot of the extra controls that you 'd expect on a larger sail boat .
21 Oh the erm if there is a sort of major beneficiary that Carpet Right because of course we owned the in them fairly decent straight throughout Currys , Dixons and some of the market people Quicksave erm , the sort of spread you 'd expect on any retail park you know .
22 ‘ Normally we 'd expect about 2t/acre . ’
23 You 'd expect about ta , thanks you used to think cor christ and then I , I mean all the bits I did for them and I remember one woman getting up saying come on Flo come and stretch and she said who are you ?
24 As you 'd expect in this part of the world , the route passes through spectacular countryside .
25 Like you 'd expect in a palace .
26 Again Joy mentioned it , because of course it 's important , you 'd expect in a , in a Freudian theory .
27 It 's got a long history , lots of it confused as you 'd expect in Oxford of course .
28 Richard thought the car ‘ very well designed , with the intelligent features you 'd expect from Volvo . ’
29 Everything you 'd expect from a Summer holiday — yet so much more
30 And as you 'd expect from Enterprise , all these prices are well below what you would pay in resort anyway .
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