Example sentences of "would deal with " in BNC.

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1 Yes , he 'd deal with Majorie tonight , and he 'd get her to agree to make her token agreement to the adoption .
2 She 'd deal with that in the morning .
3 yeah I 'd deal with it
4 We usually got one back saying they 'd been accepted and they 'd deal with them at a certain time you know .
5 I do n't think they 'd deal with anybody that dodgy .
6 But she added that prosecution and imprisonment by a criminal court did not serve the interests of the family as a whole , or of the child who remained part of it , or how victims would deal with contact with the abuser after release .
7 However , it was noticeable how policewomen on patrol would be sent by male colleagues to move on the younger children , while the men , being protective of policewomen , would deal with the older youths .
8 It would deal with wasteful prescribing and wide variations in performance to be found between one hospital and another , which could not be put down simply to lack of resources , he said .
9 I think it was a great relief for him to think that Tony DeFries would deal with things and all he had to do was deal with his artistry .
10 ‘ We will have to tackle the major issues , ’ Peter Melchett had said , a shade regretfully , when asked how Greenpeace , with its policy of high-profile direct actions , would deal with the nebulous elements of climate warming .
11 Mr Major hoped other Iraqis would deal with their leader ; ‘ I will not weep for him , ’ he added .
12 But it does suggest one reform which , if it went through , would deal with many such doubts .
13 But the NATO council would deal with any use of a purely NATO Reaction Force .
14 Charles explained that he 'd come round in answer to a complaint and rather thankfully began to pass on apologies on behalf of the Regiment for transmission to Lord Southdown later , but the butler shook his head regretfully once more , indicated that Lady Charity was at home , and felt certain that she would deal with the matter .
15 Emily was watching Vic , seeing how he would deal with the question .
16 Her acquaintance of vicars was slim and she was uncertain as to how they would deal with each other .
17 I returned to the Arg Nit LM3 to see if it would deal with this new symptom picture but there was no change in the anal discomfort with the Arg Nit LM3 or 4 and after 6 weeks she was again getting headaches and expressing fear of cancer .
18 Eachuinn Odhar would deal with any offender .
19 One would deal with the three London Partnerships , and there would be others established in Birmingham , Liverpool , Manchester — Salford and Newcastle — Gateshead .
20 For each of the situations below , write a short passage explaining how you would deal with it .
21 The Chinese academy of social science , in a letter to Stanford , ‘ hoped that the university would deal with this matter severely ’ .
22 But she said she would deal with that problem when it arose .
23 Then it was agreed that Mrs Kemp would deal with all new cases .
24 It is of course penalty kicks at goal which slow down play and I would deal with them very drastically , as in these modern days they quite often determine the result of a match .
25 During Bush 's first term , the Democrat-dominated Congress was a constant thorn in his side and , at the Republican convention , he offered several ideas on how he would deal with what will be a newly elected Congress .
26 ‘ Paramedics would be used , field hospitals set up at the scene if necessary , helicopters from Whitechapel would fly out casualties , ’ added Mr Whitehead who said a triangle of hospitals would deal with the injured and all the plans were agreed by the airport 's consultative committee .
27 Most of the source countries for drugs are outside the European community and we would deal with vessels from these places as we have always done , ’ he said .
28 The novel would deal with a single moment in the life of the city ; and one of its themes was that there was an acausal link uniting all its apparent diversities into a single interdependent whole .
29 Initially , I had to decide how to use the space : whether to place a separate work in each room or to accept the perceptual boundaries of the Duveen Galleries as a given and conceive a work which would deal with the space in its entirety .
30 On the second day we went out climbing again but the assessors — there was one for every two candidates — constantly posed us with problems to find out how we would deal with rescues and emergencies .
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