Example sentences of "say to himself " in BNC.

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1 The searcher says to himself , ‘ If Christianity is true , what difference would it make ? ’
2 He says to himself , ‘ Thank goodness we have here a writer who understands our secret feelings . ’
3 " Let it snow till it reaches the chimney-pots , " he says to himself .
4 Once they have all departed , the single figure says to himself , ‘ Now let it work : Mischief , thou art afoot , take what course thou wilt . ’
5 Belief … may be said to be the state of mind of a person who says to himself : " I can not say I know for certain that these goods are stolen , but there can be no other reasonable conclusion in the light of circumstances …
6 That would be an extravagance of classicallly based compliment and then Milton the puritan comes along and says to himself that wo n't do , we need a footnote , and in goes the footnote if true here only — do n't forget that these classical legends are all lies .
7 Perhaps he had not said to himself that in a marriage between two like this , someone was going to have to know a little less clearly what they had wanted .
8 He , like Paul , must have said to himself , ‘ I have learned in whatsoever state I find myself , therein to be content . ’
9 We see that he has not simply yielded to the stronger of two pulls , as would be the case if , for example , he never overcame a fear of being uprooted which he judges cowardly , and ever after said to himself ‘ I ought to have gone ’ .
10 Failure , he had often said to himself , was not a part of his life .
11 The child is probably trying to write down a suitable looking word , and has n't said to himself the actual word he has written down .
12 He 'd said to himself as he walked away with it that all along the act had been a load of rubbish .
13 If he had had any foresight , when the Woolf-Tumim report was published , the right hon. Gentleman would have said to himself , ’ Here is a unique and historic opportunity for me to make my reputation as one of the great Home Secretaries of the 20th century . ’
14 But he was never saying to himself until one moment in the past that it was much peculiar that a girl as pretty and as fashionable with her peroxide hair as Jilly Jonathan was carrying on holiday a big , crocodile-skin handbag .
15 He was never saying to himself in that heavy bag what should there be ? ’
16 We have just caught Raskolnikov saying to himself that the moth seeks the candle-flame , and Porfiry says similar things aloud ; while behind both of them Dostoevsky is telling Katkov that the murderer demands punishment and bends to an inexorable divine and human law when he gives himself up .
17 He had not realized the impact on him until nearly a year later he found himself shaking and crying and saying to himself , ‘ I was nearly killed there ’ .
18 Her shriek awakened the house , and Coleridge , who had been asleep when his father returned , knew at once what it signified , saying to himself in the darkness , ‘ Papa is dead . ’
19 These next few pages are the reactions of one who went to the Centre , came away evangelical and kept saying to himself , ‘ All shipshape and Bristol fashion ’ , only to fall from the crest into the deepest trough , but thankfully to climb up again to a sensible plateau and finally discover that he had been fortified in more ways than he had expected .
20 This was not what God was saying to him , it was what Demian was saying to himself .
21 But Eeyore was saying to himself , ‘ This writing business .
22 He glanced at Tweed who was saying to himself , That 's a laugh .
23 ‘ I am not doing what I ought to do , ’ he kept saying to himself .
24 The Flemyng entourage , he said to himself , now what will he find fault with today , and what news will he have heard ?
25 ‘ Clearly , ’ he said to himself , ‘ Each T on this ball is regular and of the same dimensions as each and every other T. Clearly also , each and every pentagon is regular and the same size as each and every other pentagon . ’
26 The bastards are at it again , he said to himself , vividly recalling the Steiner incident in New York .
27 ‘ But I ca n't help ‘ fretting ’ about it , ’ Mungo said to himself as he re-crossed the yard .
28 ‘ There is no need to be ashamed , ’ he said to himself , getting up off the bed and making his way to the door to see what his native Forest looked like in daylight and to see what sort of world it was where a man could be free and alone and full of shame .
29 So he said to himself : ‘ This is the place where I was simply terrified ! ’ and remembering his fear of the previous day , he promptly shied again although he had not been hurt the day before .
30 He ducked down on one knee and said to himself , ‘ Sasaki , gambare !
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