Example sentences of "his lips on " in BNC.

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1 As she responded , he increased the pressure of his lips on hers until she realised what he was trying to do , and slowly allowed herself to be pushed back into a lying position .
2 She felt — it was much more than a memory-Toss Barnet 's strong hand holding hers , his lips on her cheek .
3 It was n't until long afterwards , after an endless length of time had passed , that , cradled in Roman 's protective arms , his lips on her hair , her fingers tightly and convulsively entwined with his , she finally began to come to her senses , finally began to think straight , and to wonder what dangerous , reckless lunacy she 'd plunged , willing and headlong , into …
4 She moved restlessly , searching for a cooler spot on the pillow , her mind awhirl with fragmented images of Nathan Bryce as she relived the swift bruising pressure of his lips on hers .
5 She raised her tear-stained face to his and it seemed quite natural to place his lips on has , and since she seemed to welcome it , he kept them there .
6 Her mind was struggling to verbalise the emotions running riot inside her , but before she could complete the sentence she felt his lips on hers , hard and demanding .
7 She lifted her face to his , and felt his lips on hers .
8 The pressure of his lips on hers was confident , demanding access to her mouth , and she granted it helplessly , already caught in the dark magic once more .
9 Deems wiped his lips on his cloth .
10 She wanted him to hold her properly , to put his arms around her in an embrace that would shut out the world ; she needed to feel the hot , demanding pressure of his lips on hers in a kiss that would take away the nagging ache of uncertainty .
11 It had been a sweet night — the shadows growing deeper as they 'd talked , until she 'd finally drifted off to sleep with his arms tight about her and his lips on her hair .
12 Even with his lips on her , colour flooded Jenna 's face .
13 The sorrow , the loneliness , the confusion disappeared with the taste of his lips on hers , with the hunger that communicated through his kiss , so that she burned with a desire unlike anything she had ever felt before .
14 The touch of his lips on hers was gentle , slow , deliberate , and she gave a little sigh of satisfaction .
15 The Prior had opened his mouth to state that , in his opinion , Robert of Gloucester was unlikely to throw casually aside his loyalty to his half-sister , no matter what councils he might have attended , but this statement made him close his lips on the words .
16 She felt his lips on her cheeks moving slowly across her features until they found her mouth .
17 The touch of his lips on her skin sent tremors through her as the blood began to dance in her veins , and , as his mouth left her shoulder to trail an upward path , nuzzling at vulnerable places on her neck and throat , her head went back in submission .
18 Yesterday when he had imprinted his lips on her mouth she had had no foretaste of what a deliberate kiss of his could be like .
19 But where she had expected harshness she felt instead only the soft warmth of his lips on her throat , and a rush of longing coursed through her entire body , strong enough to make her buckle at the knees .
20 And she felt the puff of his warm breath on her cheek before she felt the softness of his lips on her mouth .
21 as if he 'd known she 'd spent all night wondering about the feel of his lips on hers , about how it would be if he kissed her .
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