Example sentences of "we sit [coord] " in BNC.

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1 We sit and chat with the miners in their newly-finished bunkhouse , drinking coffee beneath a sign inscribed by , among others , our own National Union of Railwaymen and Amalgamated Engineering Union .
2 But Lear does not , and we sit and watch helplessly as his not knowing leads to chaos in his kingdom , to madness , and to death .
3 We sit and concentrate on the crossword , we do n't kind of , unless we get it done quick , which is is n't very often .
4 The Government 's emphasis is on practical measures , on changes that will work to improve the hours that we sit and the effectiveness of parliamentary procedure .
5 Then we sit and watch TV till nine . ’
6 There 's the call it 's coming in I knew it would work in fact we 'll talk straight away now just come straight through to me O nine O four six four one six four one and there 's another one there so just pick up the phone and hear as we sit and talk and chew the fat and stuff like that hello ?
7 But then I mean come and saw me once , you see , when I was n't there like that and he he tested from top to bottom , he said well ar ar after we sit and talked , and like he said well I better give you the once over , I said th er , certainly .
8 yeah , they 'll be , and she 's always moaning driving Sue up the wall , why should I keep him blah , blah , blah , blah , doing nothing , we sit and look at each other and Sue said for Christ sake she said you 're twenty years old , not forty , she 'd been bad on and off again , throat , well she had the shoulder , throat er she thought she had , oh the diabetes was one were n't it , diabetes one , they thought she had , thought that she had glandular fever but she has n't and er , so Sue said to her well are you looking after yourself and she said yes I am , Sue said well I du n no she never seems to be , cos she 's never been well has she really ?
9 How can we sit and think after that — ’
10 We sat and watched the Wimbledon semi-finals !
11 We sat and watched not the coldness and menace of evil but a pantomime dame who was obviously too stupid and incompetent ever to pose a threat to goodness .
12 Instead of being treated to the confrontation between the great lion Aslan and the forces of hell , we sat and watched a game of cat and mouse .
13 We sat and drank our tea in silence then Dad stood up and told me to tell Mum , when she returned , that he 'd gone to have one last talk to the relief officer .
14 We sat and stared at each other , Sayeeda and 1 .
15 We sat and drank our gritted coffee , sewed and read .
16 It was still too strong so we sat and waited .
17 It is indeed a very big chamber — an underground cathedral — and we sat and turned off our torches .
18 The little ledge on the vertical edge was in the shade and we sat and sucked sweets and looked back down the sweeping ridge to where we 'd started , hours ago .
19 We sat and watched as the metal crusher
20 We sat and waited for the next move , which turned out to be a visit from Younis and Bilal , insisting that Brian was trying to escape .
21 We sat and listened , silently , while that wonderful voice brought the words to life .
22 I 'd never felt he cared for me but at last we sat and talked .
23 Wanda stole a half-bottle of Latvian double kümmel from her father 's extensive cellar and we took it to a little bridge on the outskirts of the village where we sat and talked , being careful to hide the bottle when anyone passed by but sipping away until we had finished the lot .
24 At Santerre 's insistence we sat and warmed ourselves with possets of hot wine and slices of sugared pastry .
25 We sat and drank before a smouldering fire while he conversed .
26 We sat and drank , discussing sea routes , harbour charges , the hiring of a crew , the wine markets and the stowing of cargo .
27 As we sat and sipped our half-pint shandies I reflected on what a lucky choice of company I had made .
28 We sat and dined like a group of friends .
29 We sat and had a relaxing drink before we cooked them a typical English dinner of baked cod with new potatoes and vegetables , followed by rhubarb fool and cognac .
30 We lit our fire , and whilst it burned down ready to cook our meal on , we sat and talked happily .
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