Example sentences of "we also need " in BNC.

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1 Hence the importance of Eve Sedgwick 's category of the homosocial : we must insist that there are different kinds of masculine heterosexual alliance that are not necessarily ( though may be ) homosexual , repressed or overt ; but we also need to make this point in a way which does not then privilege this distinction between the sexual and the non-sexual since this is to re-establish the primacy of the sexual , something partly responsible for the original misrepresentation .
2 We also need to reassure the horse shortly afterwards that it has not lost our affection , otherwise it would lose confidence in us .
3 We also need volunteers to man/woman these stalls .
4 Of course , we also need to pray for the needs that others have , as well as for our own needs .
5 We also need to understand why some cases are inexplicably dropped by the police .
6 We also need people who will go on to be managers , teachers , journalists , publishers — competent persons with general practical ability , certainly , but with more than this .
7 We also need more radical policies to raise levels of income up to and beyond state retirement age .
8 We also need to develop bridges between academic research and its application .
9 We also need to support the less-advantaged young people , those who have not been encouraged , by example or word , to tackle what some ( perhaps many ) increasingly feel to be a very difficult and unrewarding task .
10 We also need some technique to earth Christian character into the situation at hand .
11 In addition to obtaining a better understanding of the biological basis underlying reproduction , we also need more knowledge to evaluate reproductive customs in the cultural environment in which they happen .
12 We also need some more work on the wrist and other p arts of the body involved in swinging the club .
13 District organiser Barbara Noakes adds : ‘ We also need some more drivers and helpers to assist with this round .
14 But we also need them to keep the general standards up .
15 Since most people still live within a mundane world view , we also need to keep a foot in both worlds , to stay grounded in common-sense reality , to acknowledge that ‘ This might sound crazy , but I think that blocked sink ( or flock of seagulls , or broken light bulb ) was a message to myself . ’
16 We also need a new vision .
17 We also need to appreciate the microbiology of wound care .
18 We also need a specific Banks Charter to bring these modern Scrooges into line .
19 We also need to show in practice that the community is working with its own peoples — not taking decisions over their heads .
20 We also need a defender to replace Steve Bould , who 's getting on .
21 Over recent years there has been a growing realization that the development of communicative competence is crucially a methodological matter , but we also need a rationale in support of such a shift of focus .
22 We also need to talk to the tutors and say to them they 're your clients , are you meeting their needs ?
23 We also need to allow for insurance cover .
24 We also need to let people around us know where our boundaries are concerning how they should behave towards us .
25 Furthermore , we also need to keep in sight the fact that ‘ creativity ’ is itself an ambiguous concept , having been given various meanings and judged according to differing criteria depending on the context in which it has been studied .
26 We also need to consider the local and wider community and its various institutions — not least , the powerful influence of television , which for some children represents more hours of information intake than is provided by teachers during eleven years of compulsory education .
27 We also need people prepared to write , as pen-friends , to warders and other officials in the prison service .
28 Since speech takes place in the wider context of non-verbal behaviour , we also need to understand the relationship between the speech mechanisms and the other mechanisms in the brain .
29 We also need status in our own eyes , as well as in the eyes of others ; status , as I wish to use it here , includes self-esteem as well as reputation .
30 In addition to these sort of dreams of tomorrow 's world , we also need to have dreams of tomorrow 's social conditions : the needs and requirements of the young people who are making their way in industry today , as opposed to those of us who joined many years ago .
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