Example sentences of "she [modal v] see " in BNC.

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1 She must see that he was comfortable and cared for so that with contentment would come peace .
2 Elizabeth had noticed the lighthouse on her flight back to England two years previously , and had marked it down as a place that she must see .
3 She must see what was going on ; must find out who the men were and what it was they were carrying …
4 On her return , she told Jack she must see his leader , so he sent one of the lads with the message , and the answer came back that Ariel could present herself to Kit .
5 Soon she would see them , but first thing in the morning , before she booked her flight , packed up her belongings , she must see Leo , try and make him understand .
6 Reluctantly she decided she must see it through , for Peter , and in some way for herself — she had to prove to herself that she could come face to face with Marc again and survive the ordeal .
7 At last he raised his head , and with a feeling of dread she searched for the triumph she was sure she must see now in his eyes .
8 Until then she had been tortured by fears that she might not recognise her son if she should see him .
9 What I would say , if there 's any doubt , if a mother has any doubt about her baby 's feet she should see the doctor and he will refer if he thinks necessary so most babies ' feet can look quite odd at times and they will hold them in strange positions .
10 Robert stood alone and waited ; he was patiently expectant of Nicandra 's disappointment when she should see him .
11 ‘ I still think she should see a doctor . ’
12 Perhaps she should see a doctor if she is feeling particularly stressed out .
13 My God , she should see some of my lot .
14 She should see a doctor , ’ Charity said gently .
15 Where had he been all this time , that she should see him now being led prisoner into Parfois ?
16 He was afraid she might see him sticking out and start taking him for granted or make unwomanly advances .
17 She walked out of the cottage where she and Pilade were lodged in charge of Mr Landor and along the road to Siena so that she might see them approach before anyone .
18 On she walked , quarter of a mile , half a mile , watching the sun begin to set and knowing that when it touched the horizon she might see the horse coming and Ferdinando waving and maybe , if he was not slumped asleep in the saddle in front of his father , maybe another small hand too .
19 She did n't believe she 'd marry Petya Tcherkassoff and move to a dacha on the steppes any more , but she thought she might see twenty-five .
20 She was busy fantasising about the outrageous sights she might see when she heard the receptionist struggling with an overseas call .
21 Quite frankly , she was terrified of what she might see .
22 In the days when she had first known him she had wondered idly whether she might see Rupert round here , ‘ going in ’ or ‘ coming out ’ , though she was not clear when this might be expected or even what he might have been doing .
23 A few times she was aware that he was watching her , but managed every time to resist the temptation to look up , unsure of just what she might see in his eyes .
24 It was conceivable , she supposed , that if she remained in the village she might see him from time to time , and if she was lucky , she thought bleakly , he might even speak to her .
25 I was terrified she might see the guilty look in my eyes for I am the man who lost the English Calais .
26 From such a vantage point she might see across the land for ever — to the edge of the wood in all directions …
27 got her papers she might see .
28 ‘ If I can signal a message there 's a wonderful chance that she 'll see it !
29 She 'll see to that … ’
30 And she 's got to come past us anyway , so she 'll see us wo n't she ? ’
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