Example sentences of "she [verb] expected " in BNC.

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1 To her annoyance , although quite what she 'd expected him to do after that she could n't think , Tammuz grinned .
2 The scene that greeted her eyes was even worse than she 'd expected .
3 She 'd expected it to be more sumptuous than it was .
4 ‘ Is that the soup for — ’ she had more difficulty than she 'd expected in saying the name — ‘ for Marion Maclean ?
5 And squatting in what little shelter there was beside the door , just where she 'd expected him , Farquhar Neas .
6 Anger , yes , she 'd expected that .
7 Jack Butler was not at all what she 'd expected .
8 They were nice , friendly people , with all the good-heartedness she 'd expected , but they were different from her own family .
9 But Mr Evans did n't fly into the rage she 'd expected .
10 It was warmer than she 'd expected .
11 Ruth wondered what she 'd expected to be told .
12 She 'd expected a steady upward climb , but suddenly the tunnel dipped and steps went down beside a white race of water .
13 Outside , the garden was empty ; but Ruth found Adam where she 'd expected , under the big chestnut tree that grew at the end of the lane .
14 It took her a moment to realize that she 'd expected Daak to add his comment , and that he had n't done so .
15 It was n't what she 'd expected to hear .
16 In fact , she was rather taken with the Obersturmfuhrer , who was n't at all what she 'd expected .
17 Although she was looking forward to leaving the home , she felt she was n't ready to go quite yet , and her baby son had been harder to cope with than she 'd expected .
18 It was certainly better than the sandwich and a can of beer that she 'd expected ; if this had been the late and unlamented Eddie she 'd probably have been faced with a walk to the nearest carry-out to find that he 'd finished off the beer in her absence .
19 When Alison had pushed him he 'd started to gather the momentum to ask the same questions that were obsessing Forester — apparently not the reaction she 'd expected , judging from the way that she seemed to have slammed the lid back on the mixture before it could boil over .
20 As she 'd expected , it was from Li Yuan .
21 It was not filled with crusty old men and women poring over the paintings ; the whole building had a bright and open atmosphere , instead of the sullen brooding one she 'd expected .
22 But it was just as she 'd expected .
23 Nothing could happen until the evening , but then Lucy got her chance to see the inside of Charlie 's office much sooner than she 'd expected .
24 He did n't smile , as she 'd expected he might .
25 If she 'd expected signs of embarrassment or even an apology , it was obvious that she 'd miscalculated .
26 So , it was out at last , and it was not what she 'd expected .
27 Precisely the opposite of all she 'd expected !
28 It had been a stupid omission , but then she 'd left so unexpectedly and in such a rush ; besides , she 'd expected Suzie to be at the address she 'd been given .
29 Not that she 'd expected to .
30 It was n't purely coincidental that she happened to be carrying the details of previous work experience , for she 'd expected that the secretarial agency might want to see them .
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