Example sentences of "[to] be [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I am obliged to smell what he smells , the baby powder , the smell of his nails before the fire spits them out-to be caught in the dish and then agonizingly reapplied to his thrilled fingertips .
2 So I think you 've , both those questions have got ta be addressed by the , the unions that the s , that the , the second one in terms of turning up on a Saturday .
3 All you really know about general , about the general election is that it 's got ta be held before the end of parliament 's statutory life of five years .
4 You know I mean you er er it 's al I , I think the same would happen if you put a five note in inside it would get thrown out with the rubbish but erm the thing is that obviously some , some early day , if one can say in inverted commas early day publicity erm from the Northumberland side of things could a and I mean my view when , when Ros was telling me what happened at the last meeting erm was that was gon na be acting as an icebreaker as opposed waiting till the last minute somebody 's gon na and they think erm as it were , a and build up from , from that because there 's obviously gon na be one or two other things coming directly from national level .
5 Everyone 's just gon na be laying on the floor going God I 'm arsed !
6 Longest chain is the sixth chain so it 's gon na be based on a hexate .
7 Every part of the National Health Service in is gon na be placed under the auspices of the Trust .
8 sort of , to put it , I 'm gon na be is that as from tomorrow we will have identified what erm desking and so on will be moved during the reorganization erm , and obviously any of the desking that is n't gon na be moved until the organization , we 'll be tidying up the cables .
9 Yeah and Mike 's seen him like that and mum went round the ward and she made all the beds to help them and all , we had to bribe them to look after him , but was he looked after in the end , on Saturday I said look , I said do n't fucking come over here and tell me my dad 's gon na be turned in a minute I said because a minute is a minute , I said but when you come over here three and a half hours later to my dad that 's like three years , he 's in excruciating agony , he wants to turn him when you tell him you 're gon na turn him
10 But shall , we 've been thinking we started last week and we 're gon na be thinking over the next few weeks , er some of the people that Jesus met , some of those who confronted him who 's lives came into contact with Jesus Christ and what difference it made to them ?
11 Now I ai n't gon na be done for a telly licence .
12 Now what 's gon na be done about the way we feel is anything gon na be done about it , is the other person taking note of what way we feel and are they gon na do something about it or are they trying to dismiss it ?
13 this is gon na be done from the heart , there 's no , nothing being put there in front , because when you see what I 've got and what my branch has achieved working with unemployed people your branch earner and that lady up there , , twenty seven years in this union we started this football team , it was this dream that I had and I come from Salford , which is not far from which is devastated with drugs burnt out cars people robbing each other , and of course , .
14 He 's gon na be kicked in a minute .
15 And what we 're getting here actually is a recreation of the area health authority they 're actually gon na be situated in the same office block where the old area authority used to be in Witham erm , and the community health council which I represent this authority on has certainly been er , raising a number of questions about this for fear of centralisation in Witham , erm with perhaps the lack of accessibility to local needs of West Essex and in Harlow particularly , .
16 You 're gon na be fucked for a lift ai n't you ?
17 I mean , especially at my age , I do n't wan na be running round the streets doing all this monkey business and getting into trouble with the police and all that , y'know .
18 This is n't gon na be shown in the school is it ?
19 erm developed and it 's gon na be released in the next few months
20 And yet , I can bet that every time , Jim has his committee meeting , they 're gon na be hammering on the door , for some by- pass , or some road scheme that they would have done .
21 . At twenty five to seven , just after the six thirty news sequence , we 're gon na be talking about a report in the latest issue of She magazine .
22 they 're gon na be talking in a language about
23 It 's gon na be put on the market , but that
24 The members ' case must come first , otherwise everyone is gon na be put into the odds and sods section which is Apex , because it has n't got a subject such as public services or energy and utilities .
25 I did n't just wan na be put in a chair , given some lyrics to read and say ‘ that 's it . ’
26 Cos , of course , the West Essex management staff have been co saddled with another project which is to provide a trust for the East Herts and West Essex health providers , i.e. P A H and associated health services providers and surprise surprise ! in this council chamber Chief Executive of the West Essex Health Authority has become the Chief Executive of the provider trust despite that , it 's not gon na be approved by the Secretary of State , but certainly a conference which she 's speaking at in , she is named as the Chief Executive !
27 So we close a nursing college and we 're gon na make it into a hundred bedded day hospital and it 's gon na be managed by a Swedish Airline company .
28 That there was a that they were gon na be trailing behind the peasant movement and that how that they had to sort of get a hold over all the all the changes that were happening in the country .
29 It 's gon na be brought to the March meeting .
30 oranges , is gon na be issued in the place we say that that er , er at two o'clock if it 's wet we 'll be in the
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