Example sentences of "this [noun] making " in BNC.

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1 He said the decisions were being made by Bernie Ecclestone and a handful of other people , but the sponsors and suppliers like Goodyear were not being involved in this decision making .
2 We know something is interfering with the natural motion of the craft , but is this force making us accelerate , or is it stopping us falling under gravity ?
3 This epoch making climb , graded Mild Very Severe and still bold , was first climbed in 1892 by .
4 Yet the prospects of this constituency making a major political impact and extracting liberal reforms from the regime appear poor .
5 In fact , Angel One was counting on this factor making his opponent confident of defeating him .
6 Yet it is this policy making , often particularly that which occurs at the highest level , that receives very much more attention .
7 With even-handed ridicule , John Mortimer spends much of this novel making you laugh at both .
8 The other was a much shorter way , a footpath stretching diagonally across a very large ploughed field , this path making the third side of a triangle .
9 Although I denied being ill and scorned to make the demands for attention usually employed by invalids or malingerers , there is no doubt that I was by this time making a bid for power .
10 Clearly the review might shift this balance making pensions the obvious target .
11 Now write three goals for this family making sure that ( a ) they are objective and ( b ) they are independent of method .
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