Example sentences of "this [prep] turn " in BNC.

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1 To prevent this happening , the nose of the glider should be held down ( or the tail held up ) to reduce the wing incidence , as this in turn reduces the lift significantly .
2 This in turn opens up some fascinating questions about the role of consciousness itself in memory and perception .
3 Preparation of the food ‘ on shore ’ now offered private contractors a foothold in the core of the business , and this in turn led in 1987 to the highly symbolic step of privatising the railway sandwich .
4 And this in turn makes it easier to connect the various fittings .
5 This in turn will allow the generation of continuous sounds , and sounds which change with time .
6 This in turn makes them cheaper and small enough to fit the average pocket in every sense .
7 This in turn will be supplemented by other key decisions last night : for a law — unprecedented here placing emergency powers at the government 's disposal by the end of October , and for another Bill within a month to regulate rail traffic .
8 And this in turn fed the flames of a wider imperial culture of British sports .
9 This in turn links with the second great issue : just how , and to whom , should the council of ministers — and , by extension , the EC central bank — be accountable .
10 This in turn gives us a clue as to whether the ‘ feelgood ’ aura from rising house prices is likely to be reversed quickly .
11 This in turn attracted more lenders into the market , and made borrowing more attractive .
12 This in turn means that multiplying her age by her age equals 900 .
13 This in turn puts pressure on the wages of organised labour in the north .
14 This in turn would be ‘ acknowledged ’ by a meeting of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe ( CSCE ) by the end of the year .
15 One fundamental assumption is that the atmosphere has had the same 14 C concentration in the past as now , and this in turn assumes , amongst other things , that the production rate of 14 C has remained constant .
16 This in turn ensured at least passive acquiescence in if not outright approval for the escalating inhumanity of Nazi anti Jewish policy , and provided the regime with an extensive sphere of autonomy , free from any constraints of popular disapproval , in adopting ever more radical measures towards providing a ‘ final solution ’ to the ‘ Jewish Question ’ .
17 The same is true for many other periods ; for instance , coins provide a date for the deposit of the great Viking hoard from Cuerdale in Lancashire of c.AD905 , and this in turn provides a date for the associated objects and hence a pivotal fixed chronological point for our understanding of Anglo-Saxon metalwork .
18 This in turn contributed to the number of placement changes and breakdowns to which children in care were subjected .
19 This in turn enables Janssen 's customers to start production or synthesis sooner than they might have thought possible .
20 Within living cells , it is held in a three-dimensional network of proteins to form the sponge-like cytoplasm , and this in turn is enclosed in a flexible protein-fat membrane .
21 This in turn , of course , gives rise to massive evaporation , and to high rainfall in South East Asia .
22 Mr Rice , a surgeon , stated that PC Charlton had died from pressure to the brain caused by a fracture of the skull , this in turn being consistent with the young constable 's head hitting the kerb during the affray .
23 Ollivier had already been forced to remake his Ministry , which was now weakened by the presence of many who gave him only grudging support , and this in turn forced him to rely more and more on the Emperor 's personal intervention when difficulties arose .
24 This in turn invoked a defensive nationalism in the subordinate peoples .
25 This in turn creates one of the most difficult problems of all , a personal one which many government servants , and agents or consultants must feel .
26 This in turn would mean shifting Catholics into these wards .
27 This in turn will push out the elbow .
28 This in turn raises our relationships with others to a new plane .
29 This in turn produced a sharper contrast than in 1980–1 between ( a ) responses which emphasized the need to strengthen and buttress the role of the police , and ( b ) responses which called for greater emphasis on the rejuvenation of the social and economic fabric of the inner cities .
30 This in turn causes the protein to fold up in an incorrect way , which results in the haemoglobin molecules sticking to each other .
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