Example sentences of "by [noun sg] council " in BNC.

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1 But a plea for formalised plea bargaining by Bar Council chairman , was strongly repudiated by his successor , , a strong civil rights activist , who told the Criminal Law Solicitors Association conference , ‘ I can think of no greater avenue for injustice than plea bargaining ’ , which he described as mixing ‘ quantum with liability ’ .
2 A petition was drawn up , letters written and phone calls made in a campaign supported by parish council and the vicar , Dr. Graham Hodge .
3 He 's aware of concern expressed by Parish Council and he 's going to see them and he will be very happy to come and er speak to us and answer any questions that we wish him to , so I advised him to contact the clerk to make arrangements .
4 But , there are parts in the estate which are maintained by district council district council and are paid by Scottish Homes .
5 Unfortunately this is led to some rather less than glorious dealings including such actions with planning applications at Heathrow Airport by District Council .
6 And we lack provisions that allows for a presidency in the absence of a minister is a good one as long as it is monitored closely by district council .
7 Discussion of new union treaty by Federation Council — Gorbachev 's meeting with Baltic presidents — Partial lifting
8 Site fear : Residents ' fears over coke gas detected under the pitch of the rundown Holly Park stadium in Garston , have been calmed by city council officials , who say problems with contaminants would only be a risk if the ground was disturbed .
9 Although the prime responsibility for rural housing provision has rested with the rural district councils ( district councils since 1974 ) , they must work within a strategic planning framework laid down by county council planning authorities .
10 If erm if there is enhancement payable erm that part of the pension will ultimately be paid by County Council by the county council .
11 for clarity is that the actual projected requirements , as a series of projections produced by County Council are for four thousand three hundred households , and a projected requirement for three thousand three hundred dwellings , well quite clearly if the City of York itself can not accommodate the requirement generated from in that city , then it must be looked at in relation to the whole of the Greater York area , and the projections of the Greater York area do take into account the er the figures generated from within the City of York , therefore , yes , they are included within the Greater York figure .
12 Well , that would be a change in procedure , I think , I do n't recall that the closure of Berwick St James school was dealt with by county council , but Berwick St James was closed , I do n't think we can pretend in either way about that .
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