Example sentences of "[being] [art] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The task of fundraising for Highlander is shared by the staff , with specific areas perhaps being the responsibility of the staff of particular programs , but the Director has over-all co-ordination and many often make the initial enquiries .
2 Not all planning authorities , however , are of the opinion that odour pollution is best dealt with by planning controls , many considering that ‘ planning ’ is not intended to deal with such problems being the responsibility of the Health and Safety Executive and the District Environmental Health Department .
3 that children with special needs have to be seen as being the responsibility of the school as a whole
4 The Lords avoid controversy on financial questions , which are accepted as being the responsibility of the Commons , but otherwise they see little harm in asking the Commons to think again on points of detail .
5 Scandinavian seamen 's unions called for an end to the use of flags of convenience in Scandinavian waters ( ships ' safety precautions being the responsibility of the country with which they were registered ) .
6 Could I endorse a lot of what er Mr has said there , about er the issue being the ability of the landscape to assimilate er a major development .
7 Secondly , there was very considerable diversity of view as to what the ‘ essential elements ’ of the curriculum should be , many authorities regarding such matters as being the concern of the schools themselves .
8 Malcolm , incidentally , after being the man of the match in Trinidad , took 0 for 188 here , partly at least because he persisted in bowling short whereas before he had pitched the ball up .
9 Sure , they screamed and ran away ( hoping to be chased , no doubt ) then turned to us , shouting abuse ; one wee lassie whom I fancied strongly ( her dad was a special constable , this being the year of the General Strike , 1926 ) had evidently gone to some trouble by composing the following ditty :
10 England 's double Grand Slam rugby team brilliantly repelled any thoughts of it being the year of the underdog , a thought that found encouragement only in the opening half of their first match against Scotland .
11 The Bench remanded Roberts in custody , chairman R.Gwynn Hughes said one of the reasons being the gravity of the offence .
12 the member of the House of Commons who is for the time being the Chairman of the Committee of Public Accounts ;
13 To my mind that clinched the connection with Pegasus Farm , the Winged Pegasus being the emblem of the Parachute Regiment which used to be called the Red Berets ( when Richard Todd was making films ) but nowadays ( since American Football and Rambo ) referred to themselves as the Maroon Machine .
14 In this connection it is interesting to go back to William Smith , the father of stratigraphy , and to find him commenting in his memoir to the first geological map in 1815 : " The edges of the strata … are called their outcrops ; and the under edge of every stratum , being the top of the next , and that being generally the best defined , is represented by the fullest part of each colour " .
15 The desired output was considered to be finance adjusted to the correct level , with the transformation being the link between the two ( Fig 12.6 ) .
16 She took it automatically , and together they walked up the hill , neither speaking a word , the only sound in their ears being the song of the river .
17 The dependent clause functions as a substitution item in a frame , the frame being the rest of the sentence .
18 It found employers ‘ hopelessly ill-prepared ’ for the future , with ‘ knee-jerk reactions rather than strategic planning being the order of the day ’ , and small and medium-sized firms facing a wage spiral and a lack of education links .
19 Also , dreary though the suggestion sounds , if economies look like being the order of the day , two-car families might assess whether , come retirement when perhaps husband and wife will be doing more things together , two cars are really such an essential as before .
20 Frontispiece of ‘ the Sportsman , Farrier and Shoeing-smiths New Guide , being the substance of the Works of the late Charles Vial De St Bell , Professor of Medicine at the Veterinary College or Hospital for the Diseases of Horses ’ .
21 The new Arrangements are very similar to the 1988 Scheme , the main , and welcome , change being the removal of the lower tier in what had previously been a two-tier system for remuneration for advice at police stations : a solicitor could undertake up to £90 of work , extendable retrospectively , where the client was in custody for an arrestable offence , but only up to £50 ( non-extendable ) otherwise .
22 Obviously many arts teachers are not entirely happy that the arts are examined at all , but in my interviews the majority of teachers were generally happier now that the new examination had replaced the old system — the most obvious benefit being the removal of the need to discriminate between the two former examinations .
23 In the United Kingdom the legislature has effectively long since surrendered the power of the purse to the executive , but that is far from being the case in the United States .
24 For the time being the knot at the foot end remained .
25 All of a sudden it seemed to be the wrong time and the wrong way to go about it , what with it being the day of the old man 's funeral and everything …
26 The system runs under Digital Equipment Corp 's VMS , VMS Ultrix , RISC Ultrix , Santa Cruz Unix , HP-UX and is Posix compliant — DEC and Hewlett-Packard Co being the choice of the majority of its customers .
27 Cases are reported as Smith v Jones , Smith being the surname of the plaintiff ( plaintiff — a person who brings a case against another in court ) and Jones the surname of the defendant .
28 We were , too — at least , the two nearside wheels were , but being the middle of the night there was a fortunate scarcity of pedestrians , and we quickly got back onto the road without disaster .
29 I can do it myself and you can go back to being the Direktor of the company instead of my protector .
30 The Working Party 's stance stems from the fact that 70 per cent of the Board 's distributable income arises from Test match generated funds , and therefore the Board sees as its ‘ principal function and power the promotion , financing and betterment of cricket generally with an essential object being the achievement of the highest possible standards at international level ’ .
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