Example sentences of "at different period " in BNC.

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1 The responsibility can be defined differently at different periods of time .
2 Most of the evidence about whether industrialism raised or diminished the living standards of the working class has centred on the wages and prices prevalent at different periods , data which is patchy and hard to interpret .
3 These provincial centres , set up at different periods in the past , vary in the sizes of the archives they maintain .
4 It was worked by petrol-electric single deck buses , which because of varying agreements , appeared at different periods either lettered ‘ GeneraL ’ or ‘ Thomas Tilling ’ .
5 The exhibition aims to reveal the multiple character of Gris ' Cubist style at different periods in his career , from his earliest collages to works of the late 1920s. when he achieved a perfect balance between spiritual content and the dictates of structure .
6 Before trying to link the legal model of corporate managerial power to a particular conception of the company a sketch of three conceptions of the company which have vied at different periods for dominance in corporate law doctrine and scholarship will be given .
7 Each of the Venetian drawings is accompanied by a group of related sheets , which are not only beautiful in themselves , but also provide a splendid demonstration of Leonardo 's method of working in different media and at different periods of his career .
8 Its aim is to increase the public 's awareness of funerary culture and all things death-related by illustrating human attitudes to death at different periods of history .
9 It must also be recognised that ‘ housing need ’ will vary at different periods of women 's and men 's lives .
10 At different periods for political reasons a local deity might be raised to become a state god , a position which could be temporary or permanent .
11 Stuart Errington was perhaps better known as Chief Executive and Chairman of Mercantile Credit ( and at different periods Chairman of the Finance Houses Association and the Equipment Leasing Association ) , but is now Chairman of the National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux .
12 There is , in other words , a double overlap in the ministry of Jesus , which prevents us from assuming that Father , Son and Spirit are three moulds into which the Deity pours himself at different periods in the history of salvation .
13 Previously the framework had been rather piecemeal , with departments presenting separate estimates at different periods of the year .
14 Because so many of our boundaries are economic rather than administrative , it is most important that the patterns of settlement at different periods are identified and the likely land uses within them postulated .
15 What must be recognized is that in approaching different collections , different users at different periods in time will place varying requirements on a scheme , both in terms of the subjects that should be included and also in terms of the relationships that need to be shown .
16 There were also different conventions surrounding painting at different periods .
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