Example sentences of "do nothing about " in BNC.

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1 But she could do nothing about it .
2 Mr Monroe said the agency would do nothing about reports that investors in Texas and Arizona were buying apartments owned by failed thrifts before the 90-day period was up .
3 Ewan felt he could do nothing about this situation , and there was no use worrying about it .
4 Notice that the enzyme can do nothing about the difference , h , between the initial and final energy engineer can , by digging a tunnel , reduce the height to which one must climb to travel between them , but if there is a difference of altitude between the cities he can not alter it .
5 But even he could do nothing about a shot from Bishop which flashed past a group of players from the edge of the area but went the wrong side of the post and a header by Martin seconds from time which was cleared off the line .
6 He swore it all happened so quickly , he could do nothing about it .
7 Whatever it was , she could do nothing about it herself , since she had n't the remotest idea what went on under the bonnet of the Renault .
8 To have to lie there in his coffin on Ingham 's counter and hear somebody like Tommy Drennan murder a good song like ‘ Slievenamon ’ and himself lying there and could do nothing about it !
9 Although such figures might create public alarm , the main reason given for non-reporting was because the offence was considered too trivial to waste police time ( 38 per cent of reasons given ) , or that the police could do nothing about it ( 16 per cent ) .
10 With me it was all too simple and evident , my behaviour — and I was a most law-abiding child — caused my parents pain , and as I could do nothing about it , certainly nothing to improve it , except to cease to exist , I grew more and more guilty .
11 Can we really do nothing about it , just because they seem to have taken one of our slogans , one of our demands and twisted it ?
12 A DG could do nothing about this .
13 The Bristol University graduate , the third-choice keeper until last night , did not put a hand , or foot , wrong and he could do nothing about the Spartak goals .
14 There is no value in identifying a problem — even if it is a real one that matches the criteria given in 1 , 2 , and 3 — if you can do nothing about it .
15 Both have replied saying while they are sympathetic , they can do nothing about her situation .
16 ‘ You can do nothing about it .
17 The vacant abbacies remained vacant , and he could do nothing about them .
18 ‘ Flora , ’ Anna said , pushing her fringe off her forehead , ‘ I can do nothing about your flute .
19 Knowing that she turned the peeping Toms on with her performances — and that they could do nothing about it as they sat there , transfixed by her sex and her flagrant use of it .
20 This does not make it certain that the West will do nothing about other ethnic cleansers ; but it does raise the cleansers ' hopes .
21 " You do n't know what your talking about , " Katherine began , experiencing a deep burning rage that she had n't felt for a long time , a rage all the more intense because she knew she could do nothing about it .
22 Danjit 's hand unsealed the front of her suit in the shadow-hung warehouse in front of everybody and she could do nothing about it , but his lascivious toying with her breast and the perverted obscenities he whispered in his garlic-and-beer breath could n't make her feel terror now .
23 We can do nothing about this letter .
24 The fact that he could do nothing about it made Burun 's enjoyment of the situation all the sweeter .
25 Well , this is the thing , we have a caretaker but er fo for his services , but I 've been at the council and I have got nowhere , I have from the corporation , there 's an awful lot of people complaining but they 'll do nothing about it !
26 Still , I 'm powerless , and can do nothing about anything .
27 He could n't do nothing about it ! )
28 The Labour Party is a busted flush and can do nothing about it .
29 But the Government will do nothing about it .
30 Cos they s cos that 's compressed in , these barrels , and that was all done abroad and once these barrels broke , well you could n't do nothing about it but we never , they never , there was none of that wasted , never .
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