Example sentences of "they 'd just " in BNC.

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1 Along the top of the ridge near the ski-lift station where they 'd just been assembled and accoutred , forty of fifty unwilling looking soldiers were strung out in a line attempting to obey orders and words of command from Non-Commissioned Officers who had sensibly omitted to incommode themselves with skis .
2 Something for the weekend , sir , she said , stopping him just as he was about to leave with another young man — you see she 'd noticed that they had n't talked before going off together , they 'd just started kissing and were going to drag each other home without discussing anything , and they were young , really young , eighteen .
3 Whenever I saw her and Shadwell together they always looked pretty intense , as if they 'd just had a fight or shared a lot of secrets .
4 Previously they 'd just been another name in the Gig Guide or sharing the billing on a Cud poster .
5 They had been on stand-by since 10.00 a.m. and it was now after one o'clock , but they were as crisp and well-tailored as if they 'd just stepped on to the plane .
6 They 'd just started walking down a narrow street outside the club when all suddenly a taxi hit Michael and knocked him down .
7 Victor and Anna were fishing ; they 'd just caught something and were shouting to us .
8 But also of course there was this propaganda from from the government you know that erm they 'd just got to keep up morale and this was one one way as you will see in a minute of how they did it .
9 And then at that time they 'd just opened .
10 They 'd just sunk that pit and they were starting to turn coal and the the the miners were straggling back to the new pit you see ?
11 When she said they 'd just been to see their son in Rhodesia and you said ‘ Kenya for officers , Rhodesia for other ranks ’ it was awfully rude . ’
12 The Indians had taken the radio telephones ( they 'd have gone off with the genny if they 'd had a crane ) and Caracas thought they 'd just broken down again so came as per normal .
13 Oh no , they 'd just a pony .
14 ( And in the alleyway behind The Gilded Cage , the three teenagers crouched high amidst the rubbish and looked down on the body of the middle-aged woman that they 'd just uncovered .
15 Well a a a at the time , they 'd just changed over from the erm Tenants ' Development Association , to the Tenants ' Action Group , so it was a bit disorganized to begin with , cos we were still sorting out the , everything from what they 'd left over and things , so , but once we 'd got that all so once they 'd got that all sorted out , yeah , it was .
16 as if they 'd just discovered immortality to be
17 But erm yes sometimes you 'd , you 'd get there in time but you see they 'd just , I , there , there were n't the telephones about in those days so you , you , you could n't , everybody did n't have a phone , they could n't ring in an and say I 'm in labour .
18 Nor with the grumbling of people who did n't want to stand up when they 'd just sat down .
19 They 'd just walked full circle past the famous Tivoli lake with the much photographed and traditionally Danish Old Ferry Inn jutting out into its depths , and through the sunken garden , back to the bubble fountain , when the lights were switched on .
20 Most corporate buyers we spoke to agreed that B A's doing deals much like those from other airlines , indeed Merrel-Lynch said they 'd just dropped B A having got a better deal elsewhere .
21 And I think they 'd just been hounding him for a while and that was the last straw .
22 But I think they 'd just gone back for the money creed and once you get that well erm they do n't realize that they could be falling into the trap unless we blokes stand firm now to maintain this standard of living .
23 Only another one thousand and ninety four days , twenty three hours and — ‘ So , what brings you here ? ’ asked Pete , like they 'd just met socially .
24 Leeds were quoted at 20–1 to win it , even though they 'd just shown an interview with Howard saying the squad we have now is better than the one we had when we won the thing .
25 The penalty seemed pretty clear-cut and it was a stroke of luck that they 'd just substituted Fashanu as he is their usual penalty taker ( pretty reliable from what I can recall ) .
26 I mean we could cook it much more cheaply but we we do that then they 'd just they 'll throw the book at us , we ca n't do it .
27 And so , after they 'd just slipped off to the local registery office in the city , they had left for a brief honeymoon in Paris .
28 How could he possibly look at her like that after the beauty they 'd just shared together ?
29 His insults had been no less cutting than the American 's , they 'd just been delivered with more urbanity .
30 They 'd just survived a crash and had over-reacted .
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