Example sentences of "they 'd be " in BNC.

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1 Yeah well one of them 'd be handy for Jonathan 's bedroom
2 I could give them the key to Father 's safe and they 'd be so grateful they 'd have a pair of boots made specially for me .
3 She put on the other record , save Pergolesi for later when surely they 'd be alone .
4 But they 'd be wrong .
5 ‘ British fishermen are beginning to use lines rather than nets , but they are selling to the Continent because they 'd be daft not to .
6 I do n't mind you at all , but the boys they 'd be suspicious of anyone who 's not a member of the police force , and that 's how people will see you : you 're not a member of the force ’ ( FN 23/10/87 , p. 20 ) .
7 We decided they 'd be all right eating the bile yellow satin curtains .
8 They 'd be full of stories about Wimbledon Common for some reason .
9 That way they 'd be able to blue some of their own savings on having the flat done up nicely .
10 But buyers most likely to be satisfied probably already own a desktop PC , perhaps with an important text file which they 'd be glad to carry around for reference .
11 Everyone else had gone to Japan and I was still in New York trying desperately to get a visa for Russia but I could n't get one , so I convince Tony deFries that if I went to Japan and went to the Russian Embassy in Tokyo , they 'd be so confused by an American applying for a visa in Tokyo 's Embassy that i could fake it and get one , and he said I was welcome to try .
12 They 'd be in Atherton soon at this rate .
13 He thought they 'd be going now but he was wrong .
14 Anyway they 'd be pretty disgusting , mixed with the bits in his pocket .
15 They 'd be able to get in unless Jack or Tom had put a padlock on since he 'd last been there .
16 They 'd be sorry , come looking for him .
17 They 'd be nesting somewhere .
18 But if he was a war prisoner , soon they 'd be sending him back .
19 — Not that they 'd be bothered .
20 Their need for live practice has since seen them support The Paris Angels and Northside , though they admit they 'd be better or suited to a dance crowd .
21 The muscles had been fully stimulated during the growth period and Ewan had supposed they 'd be fully operational immediately .
22 She wondered coolly how his erstwhile mentors would react once they learned what he 'd become , and what they 'd be prepared to offer to keep that quiet .
23 When Clark had to hire someone to become chief executive of the new regulatory authority , the Treasury gave him a list of nine admirals , seventeen generals and six air marshals and told him they 'd be disappointed if he did n't find the right chap among them .
24 ‘ These Catholics , they 'd be pretty strong against Communists , would n't they ? ’ asks Pyle in The Quiet American ; and there was a simplistic equation of that sort to be made , too .
25 Yes , the face was tough work ; but they were working men , they 'd be working almost as hard if they were at home in Munich .
26 ‘ And every time the pose was over they 'd be off on their scooters , ’ broods Miss Stetson .
27 All four still look as though they 'd be more comfortable in jail than in a rhinestone suit , while their voices remain wonderfully battered instruments — weathered , stoic and yet still full of yearning .
28 It would be very comfortable , but they 'd be surprised to see me like that at the Queen Elizabeth Hall . ’
29 ‘ I would hate it to go down in Conservative mythology that we always had to have a gaggle of young men running every campaign , ’ he said , ‘ although if we had the same bunch at the next election at least they 'd be a few years older . ’
30 Both the girls were under age for drinking , but knew they 'd be served without any trouble .
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