Example sentences of "they had already " in BNC.

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1 In the profession I would much prefer to see work generated by the directors , and the casting directors taking more trouble to go round and see the actor at work , taking people on the basis of work they had already seen .
2 Then , the day before it was due to begin , they had already run out of conference handbooks .
3 They had already carefully taken away the entire orchard , roots and all , and the glass and window frames from the hostel buildings .
4 When we signed them , they had already made an EP by themselves .
5 That afternoon they had already sacked one boy and four others had walked out in support .
6 They had already purchased and converted the adjacent vicarage into twelve dwellings and seized the chance to convert the church to provide more units to house the majority of the co-operative on one site .
7 They had already been hauled up eight times , the first during the summer of 1981 , and had been fined a total of £23,200 .
8 By the time they played West Indies , they had already beaten Australia and West Indies had lost to Pakistan .
9 There was , however , another very similar site in the area , which was really better than the site they had already seen .
10 The chronicler Roger of Wendover wrote that at the Council of Oxford in 1227 , ‘ the King caused to be cancelled and annulled all the charters of liberties of the forest , although they had already been in force in the whole realm for two years ’ : the earls who rebelled in July were said to have compelled the king to restore the charters by the threat of armed force .
11 Out of the Regal Trophy and falling behind in the League where they had already lost four games , Wigan players and coaching staff held a meeting to iron out problems caused by a lengthy early season injury list and the loss of Ellery Hanley , to Leeds .
12 I moved to a different phase and involved myself in witch-like pursuits , looking for a special spell ( they had already told me what it was to be ) .
13 By the end of the Ordovician they had already radiated into many of the niches they occupy today .
14 And he had six people to work with who would n't waste time on stupid questions about the baby 's emotional welfare , who saw as clearly as he did the greater fascination in the sheaves of data they had already collected on the child since his birth .
15 Occasionally it is explained that they had already died — and given the still short life-expectancy of the period this must have been so in many cases .
16 The hospital did not admit the child because they had already too many in the same condition .
17 They had already been parachute-trained at Ringway near Manchester and were led by the redoubtable Commandant Bergé , whom Stirling later acknowledged as a co-founder of the SAS .
18 What the people wanted on the fen was what they had already : grazing .
19 They had already set up Exhibition clubs so that working men could pay in small sums a week towards the total cost of an excursion ticket which included accommodation at the Ranelagh Club — bed and a hearty Victorian breakfast — for two shillings ; the fare was five shillings .
20 They had already suspected what the problems were , and Liz and her parents soon started to discuss ways in which they could deal with the backlog of paperwork .
21 It was obvious they had already had plenty to drink .
22 At the beginning of the Triassic the dominant land animals were the mammal-like reptiles , the synapsids , although they had already been badly affected by dramatic events at the end of the Permian ; catastrophic events of the kind that are now known to have turned the course of Earth 's history several times .
23 The militia lost heart at this news ; they had already been on duty for a month , and had been treated with extraordinary meanness by the citizens they were defending , who , they complained , ‘ would not even allow straw for the poor men to lay upon ’ while ‘ some were eight , some seven , and all six nights and days under arms upon the walls ’ .
24 They had already renounced the more savage brutalities which less refined times reserved for the particular distinction of fraud and knavery .
25 They had already taken the play to Lancaster as well as performing it in Durham , and now had the assembly of the pageant down to a fine art , taking about two hours to mount the superstructure .
26 In fact , they had already become good friends when she had played Mrs Murray in Eh ? with him at Circle-In-The-Square , and she had also been in The Tiger Makes Out .
27 They had already become British subjects and had been trading in corn from the United States of America and morocco to Madeira .
28 They had already packed a small suitcase and I was allowed to collect three of my favourite toys , a red handbag , a doll called Arthur and a leather-bound Bible in Pictures .
29 They had already turned against him when it was revealed he paid a secretary to keep quiet about an affair .
30 They had already been alone in the house for 24 hours .
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