Example sentences of "they have helped " in BNC.

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1 It was one with which she was already familiar , both of them having helped construct it for regular meditations .
2 It sounded as though they 'd helped him out when he was down and out .
3 They 've helped me with the baby , they take her away for a couple of hours a day , and they take you out to places — sports centres and hospitals .
4 Yes I think that probably this had been er very wise in this er in so I 'm not saying that they 've helped us or anything but they 've kept the middle of the line and erm In the beginning when things were beginning to whatsit er the inspector sent two policemen down here and asked me would I ask the lads not to do any damage to property and all this , and that and said , Right there 's a lodge tonight and I shall ask them I shall tell them to do that .
5 But they say their real reward is knowing they 've helped to save lives .
6 Startled by the systematic destruction of the force they had helped the Iraqis to build , the military critics have since grown bolder .
7 This is because the need to reform was felt to arise from the normal attitude of aristocrats in the Germanic world that churches which they had helped to establish were a part of their material property .
8 They had helped with their mother 's care when she had been at home , and taken part in planning her funeral .
9 They had helped Clara into the world only the day after the O'Neils had moved in two years before and Denis knew his wife was in good hands .
10 The existence of this power resulted , ironically , in the fact that those African newspapers which had campaigned vigorously for the nationalist cause now enjoyed less freedom under the very governments that they had helped to create .
11 She had gone to school with Sarah , and they had helped one another over the years .
12 In March 1946 strong diplomatic pressure had been exerted by America and Britain to force Soviet troops out of Iran , which they had helped to occupy during the war .
13 They had sent round a circular to all members asking them to mention John whenever possible in their reports on the Middle East ; they had helped organize a petition among all members and accompanied Chris and me when we delivered it to the Iranian Embassy and Downing Street to mark John 's six hundredth day in December .
14 John Warnock and Chuck Geschke of Adobe both worked for Xerox at the Palo Alto Research Centre where PDLs were invented and set up their company to commercially exploit the concepts they had helped develop .
15 The Fontanellatesi , like all Italians , felt happy ; happy that they had stood up to the Fascists , and happy that they had helped the escaped prisoners .
16 The prosecution alleged that they took part in a plan to offload cannabis resin at the Norfolk coast , the accused maintained that they had helped to load the cannabis on to the tug , but the drug was destined for Holland and not the UK .
17 They had helped the refuelling and restocking of colonists ' ships fleeing the overpopulation , radiation and ozone poisoning .
18 It was alleged they had helped to organise the Castlemorton free festival .
19 If there was a drawback to this grand strategy , it is that some of the gramophone recordings in recent years have lacked the startling intensity and insights of the theatre performances they have helped to prepare .
20 The idea that the superpowers are vital to the success of the peace process is based upon the influence they exert on the regional contestants , but in reality they have helped to perpetuate regional conflict and global competition in the area , with the encouragement of local clients .
21 By first establishing a formal highpoint , the critics are then able to look down upon the content , ‘ objectively ’ pointing out the division which they claim exists ( which in fact they have helped to construct ) between the two .
22 people tend to support decisions which they have helped to make
23 He chose to support them as they have helped two members of his family recover from heart disease in recent years .
24 But they have helped to preserve the class system in Britain .
25 They have helped and encouraged me to be more professional , and I 'm grateful for that .
26 They have helped to defuse the arguments about teaching style and concentrate attention upon content and delivery .
27 Yet they have helped persuade a suspicious population to accept Mr Salinas 's much-needed reforms .
28 Residential workers may also be uncertain whether they have helped the youngsters in their care .
29 If changes are to command public support , Londoners must play an active part in shaping their local service mix to meet needs which they have helped identify .
30 Clearly this method disposes the health professionals toward feeling that they have helped architect the final programme .
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