Example sentences of "from someone who " in BNC.

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1 Remember this will be a professional opinion from someone who is interested in the qualities you now have to offer , so bear such comment well in mind .
2 It will be necessary for you to seek help and advice from someone who knows about building and plans .
3 ’ Seek help from someone who knows something about building and plans . ’
4 In a statement read to the court , Shooter described his crime as ‘ a cry for help from someone who could no longer handle the pressures of life ’ .
5 It is in the initial anticipation that the middle class will show respect that the bias lies , for where this deference is lacking , even from someone who appears middle class , a variant of the gouger typification comes into force .
6 It 's wrong for us to steal from someone who seems to be richer than we are just as it 's wrong for someone to steal from us if they think their need is greater than ours .
7 IN fact planning any route that you 've made up yourself across wild land is fun , unless you 're doing so to escape from someone who is trying to kill you or lock you up .
8 But is the consent valid , coming as it does from someone who is under severe mental stress ?
9 Buying privately you can pick up some excellent equipment , but it is best to obtain some independent advice from someone who knows what they are talking about .
10 Also , it would be possible to remove a licence from someone who had not looked after animals properly .
11 You may believe , for example , that you have the right to speak your mind and from this will follow certain ways of behaving that will differ markedly from someone who believes they have the right to remain silent .
12 The names of the people are arbitrary labels , but the point of the sentence can not be grasped unless it is realized that the reason for the questioning was to find out what had happened from someone who had seen it .
13 We also heard from someone who suffered with us in the hands of Southwark Offset , which tried to modernise us in the 1960s ( Letters , p 476 ) .
14 Nara was sent to get a bowl of milk from someone who had a cow that was yielding : Kalchu suggested maybe the ā gri or the um in the bottom house on the corner .
15 ‘ Dr Armitage , I confess I had hoped for a little more from someone who knew Dr Wetherby so well and was resident at the same convention .
16 Coming from someone who 'd obviously never been in the right frame of mind magnetically to attach anything but his salary to himself — money Anwar always referred to as ‘ unearned income ’ — this seemed a bit rich .
17 They told us that many customers would be ready to pay £30 more for a washing machine , say , to get it from someone who would have the payments collected weekly from their homes , simply because that fitted into the pattern of their normal use of credit .
18 I think that 's rather cute , coming from someone who led , before , during and after a race weekend , the kind of life that would exhaust most even if they did not , additionally , have to engage in one of the most physically demanding sports in the world .
19 If problems are anticipated a statement from someone who witnessed the birth is good evidence .
20 Some of it you know just to ignore , but if it is from someone who knows what he is on about , then it can be helpful in making you into a better player .
21 An overhit forehand from Sampras who , despite offering a far more solid challenge against Forget than he had done against Leconte , was still not as consistent enough with his groundstrokes as one would have expected from someone who had become ATP Tour champion two weeks earlier , made it 15–0 .
22 To paraphrase Mr Polly , it 's only school that turns the young child from someone who wonders at the marvels around him or her into someone who sees them only in terms of history and geography .
23 We might therefore wonder whether its appearance in Foucault , far from being the result of theoretical ineptitude , does not involve simulacra , or ghostly bad copies , similarly designed to undermine the claims of theoretical mastery , and to produce in his texts surface-effects of the kind of heterogeneity we might expect from someone who had contested the unifying function of ‘ the author ’ .
24 It is highly likely that the basic English common law rule ( that ownership can not be transferred from someone who has no title ) applies .
25 The authors state that a baseline blood sample may be requested from someone who sustains a needlestick injury , whereas a baseline blood sample should always be taken after occupational exposure .
26 The BSIA stresses that you should never buy a system from someone who casually turns up on your doorstep .
27 Small wonder then , that real friendship for them comes from someone who deep down understands what this involves .
28 The objector must be distinguished sharply from someone who merely attributes to us some particular idea of a particular necessitating circumstance for the effect , some particular idea of what was included in the circumstance for the candle smell , and believes that the circumstance included more .
29 ‘ It is very evident that since the publication of the paperback the campaign against it has subsided , to such an extent that even one of my most hardline critics , the British Muslim Dr Kalim Siddiqui , was recently quoted in the Guardian as saying it is time to forgive and forget , which is a rather extraordinary volte-face from someone who was until recently asking for my head on a plate .
30 This much is perhaps to be expected from someone who faced insurmountable difficulties in coping with the work .
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