Example sentences of "from [art] period " in BNC.

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1 It is the first time a sculpture from the period has fetched such a sum .
2 The Loch Lang pollen record and its clear indications of mixed birch-hazel-oak-alder woodlands in the early and mid-post-glacial suggest that these southern-atlantic cryptogams may indeed be relicts from the period of more extensive woodland cover in the mid-post-glacial and these shade-demanding species have survived locally in ravines , gullies , and sheltered block litters on the Uists .
3 That such high quality was possible was due in part to experienced craftsmen being imported from other Habsburg lands but even more important was the nucleus of craftsmen already based in the Italian quarter , from the period of Rudolf II .
4 Organised and sponsored by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation , Lisbon , the exhibition also includes other works from the period 1933–87 .
5 Moorish Spain came into being over a period of several hundred years — from the period of the first Moslem conquest in the eighth century , to the eventual re-conquest by Christians from the north of the peninsula in the later part of the thirteenth century .
6 Some of the near contemporary songs which have survived from the period describe Rodrigo himself as capturing Garcia and handing him over to the brothers .
7 An axe-head from the period of the second Crusade .
8 The former is now available in paperback , and is of special value to local historians for it is , in effect , a genealogical dictionary of every person who has held a ‘ peerage ’ from the period of the very first post-Conquest earldoms .
9 Uncle George showed me his collection of Preston North End memorabilia , dating from the period 1888 to 1902 , when as a young man he had been a staunch supporter of ‘ The Invincibles ’ who won both The Football Association Cup and Division I of The Football League in the same season .
10 Another theory is that it was an engineering disaster ; several other Paris recordings from the period are thin and distorted .
11 In the area we are particularly concerned with , southwest Cumbria , male cancer rates rose significantly from the period 1969–73 to the period 1974–78 .
12 For instance , he said that the expression ‘ by hook or by crook ’ came from the period of Charles II when there were two judges called Hook and Crook and ‘ a man of straw ’ he discovered , was one who could be brought to bear false witness — recognisable by the straw in his shoes .
13 However , the latter have a part to play from the period of nursery rhymes and finger and other basic-activity games .
14 For the truth is that few Bibles produced over the last 370 years have any substantial value , neither have a great many from the period before that .
15 They believe the interpretation is from the period of the early Church and looked forward to the end of the world .
16 None of the parts of ploughs from the period have survived except for the soil stain from a wooden object in a recently excavated , and unusual , grave at Sutton Hoo which has been interpreted as representing a complete ard-type plough .
17 This was discussed with the Jones who resolutely maintained that now that ‘ the problem ’ was solved they were going back to normal and apart from the period of intervention they had not changed what they did at all .
18 From the period between the two World Wars , the main surviving agreement on the laws of war is the 1925 Geneva Protocol on Gas and Bacteriological Warfare .
19 It presents a selection of pieces from the period when Turin was particularly open to exchanges with other European capitals : sculptures by Ignazio and Filippo Collino , intagli by Bonzanigo , water-colours by Bagetti and oils by Giuseppe Mazzola illustrate the high standards achieved by local artists during the late eighteenth century and the Restoration period as new developments in Rome and Paris were taken to heart .
20 Finally , Marie-Helene Montenay presents a series of paintings by Eva Hesse from the period 1960–64 .
21 A self-portrait from the period has the same decided , serene expression as one he had painted 18 years earlier , but his eyes and hair are engulfed in flames , his face is distorted .
22 This suggests that there is a tendency to return to the parental home when a marriage ends , through whatever means , and this is confirmed in the case of separation and divorce by Sullivan 's ( 1986 ) analysis of data from the period 1976–81 .
23 Edward I chose essentially French themes to complete the decor-ations of the Painted Chamber at Westminster and a ‘ particularly strong French influence ’ has been detected in a number of English works dating from the period c.1290–1320 .
24 The Zurbarán ( estimate £1.2–1.6 million ) is a recent rediscovery , and probably dates from the period of the painter 's greatest success in Seville around 1640 .
25 The sixteen canvases from the period 1981–1987 include ‘ Old cars ’ ( 1981 ) ; ‘ Collaboration ’ ( 1985 ) , produced jointly with Andy Warhol ; and ‘ Eroica ’ ( 1987 ) .
26 Running simultaneously at the community gallery Haus am Waldsee is a comprehensive exhibition of her output from the period 1964 to 1991 .
27 He had a very good collection from the period before the Avant-garde , including a lot of works by Falk , Lentulov , and Pavel Kuznetsov .
28 Gunnar Barthel presents a multifaceted panorama of the work of painter and graphic artist Michael Morgner dating from the period between 1975 and 1992 .
29 Lieder by Franz Schubert with guitar accompaniments from the period .
30 The sea-story , as I have suggested , demands less falsifying of youth 's capacities since , in both navy and merchant navy ships , boys in their middle and even early teens have been called upon to act beyond their years often and as a matter of course , from the period , so fruitful for novelists , of the Napoleonic Wars to the present day as Richard Armstrong described it .
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