Example sentences of "but just before " in BNC.

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1 In the event , he was accepted at Birmingham University , but just before he arrived he was informed that the geography department had been closed down because of austerity measures brought in during World War N. He therefore decided to read geology instead , but shortly afterwards he received notification that this department was also to be closed .
2 A big van pulls up and they stick their stuff inside and get in , but just before they go , the man with the fog horn thing turns round and says all friendly like , ‘ Happy Christmas ’ .
3 But just before she saw it she heard something — to her , rather ominous — the rumble of a bus .
4 As I said to my husband only last night ( just after I had eaten my miserable Lean Cuisine but just before I finished the box of Black Magic ) : ‘ Is n't it terrible the way we allow advertisers to manipulate us ? ’
5 But just before he could get the words out , she begged him to do her a tremendous favour .
6 But just before this moment arrives , as soon as the door closes on the porter , Howard notices the writing-table , and all the little giveaways which the management has arranged under the lamp — books of matches , a long-stemmed rose in water , writing-paper , and picture postcards of the hotel .
7 But just before this happens , while the taste of melancholy on his tongue is strong enough to set off the sweetness of the place , and of his freedom to enjoy it , but not yet strong enough to overpower it , he sees the woman who is gazing at him from the balustrade of a terrace looking down on the street .
8 ‘ It 's a new lease of life for them , ’ she told her mother , but just before Sarah became ill Miss Louisa suffered a stroke and was confined to bed , and two weeks later Miss Ellen had a heart attack and was also bedridden .
9 She stood at the door , the Doctor 's name poised on her lips , but just before she called out , something made her hesitate .
10 There were no speeches , but just before Robin Tavistock cut his birthday cake , which had been moved to the middle of the gallery , the Hon.
11 But just before the deal was finalised , Ms Cann realised there were four more Animals of Farthing Wood titles of which she had been unaware .
12 But just before they plunge into the earth
13 We did not see the signal as it was fast approaching time for our departure from York , but just before we left Mr Hopkin he informed us that there were also tickets , buttons , maybe som small brass fittings , an 1864 rail chair and possibly the original chimney of Carlisle from before her 1924 heavy overhaul .
14 I had planned to start on the short pole but just before the whistle sounded another boat came along .
15 But just before we got there I realized how — tawdry it was going to be .
16 The Lord 's vote had reverberations along the corridor at Westminster , a number of MP s hitherto quietly concerned about privatization now went public , they thought the Lords vote would take the sting out of the sell off because B R would win most of the bids , ministers vowed to defy the rebels , but just before the bill left the Lords the Government seemed to cave in .
17 Now , as I say , it 's been a fairly full account , but just before I put er , er , the motion to you , are there any points , or questions you 'd like to raise No , well , thank you very much .
18 And not only have they consumed practically a quart of maple ice-cream , but just before I came in here they were ordering some pizzas !
19 She strode towards them , her fist upraised — but just before she pounded on it , she hesitated .
20 He did not answer but just before she heard his bedroom door close she would swear that she heard a small chortle of laughter — as if her dry afterthought of a good morning had amused him .
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