Example sentences of "but insist that " in BNC.

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1 He probably knows and can recommend the specialists concerned , but insist that you talk to them first and that any reports are addressed to you ( though copied to the solicitor ) .
2 Several groups claim to exert their influence , but insist that it is no more than that .
3 Defense officials say they have not yet forbidden any publication , but insist that they possess the power to do so if they choose .
4 But even if they are qualified and on your establishment we can not but insist that they have a substantial teaching load as well , and I really do n't think that is any way to run a library …
5 Farr-Jones , now 30 , is unlikely to be there himself , but insists that his energies will be instrumental in forging a new destiny for the defenders of the William Webb Ellis Trophy .
6 He derives from MP his holism in the theory of meaning , but insists that we can not account for language learning as an empirical activity , unless we allow that some sentences have a determinate meaning and are therefore independently ( strongly ) verifiable .
7 Here he accepts that his own grammatical categories may be questionable , but insists that his study confirms the belief that there exists a grammar of narrative , and moreover that there is a fundamental similarity between language and narrative which is mutually illuminating .
8 He takes on board that the time taken for this job was too long but insists that the only thing accompanying the forms was a handwritten note from you asking them to change 1600 — 1650 on SW143 and 1605 to 1655 on SW142 .
9 Hegedus recognizes that the ‘ humanization ’ of administration will be opposed by vested interests within the bureaucracy — the fetish of expertise , the ideology of centralized planning , the principle of personnel stability , and so on — but insists that the apologetics made for bureaucratic relations are inconsistent with Marxism .
10 In its latest World Development Report , the World Bank acknowledges that some of its past policies have led to environmental degradation , but insists that it is now geared toward promoting sustainable development and , in particular , the alleviation of third world poverty .
11 A national NUJ official says it 's a major achievement , but insists that the fight will still go on to get the sacked journalists their jobs back.Nick Clark reports .
12 But to insist that women somehow amputate their love and compassion is to ask them to destroy the very thing which in my view favourably distinguishes us from men .
13 If you find that the results are likely to be disastrous , and that the principles underlying it , which we detect not only from the official utterances of members of the Government but also from the more indiscreet explanations of so-called supporters of the government are pernicious and that the whole matter is one that has never been duly referred to the people of this country , then I venture to say that your Lordships have a clear duty before you — not to decree the final extinction of the Bill — because that is not what we propose , but to insist that before it becomes law an authoritative expression of the opinion of the electors of the United Kingdom shall have reached us with regard to it .
14 For Weber , the sociologist needed to understand ( verstehen ) the subjective experience of ‘ ideal-typical ’ human individuals located within particular societies , classes and cultures — not , of course , denying that social forces shape and influence individuals , but insisting that individual human beings and the meanings they use to interpret their social world are of prime importance in understanding society .
15 Minimising — admitting that one or two staff members drink a bit or perhaps use a bit of cannabis or maybe occasionally get into trouble with the consequences of drinking too much but insisting that the Company has more important problems to deal with and that it is not the Company rule nor responsibility to deal with these problems .
16 This was eventually resolved at the Luxembourg meeting , with Switzerland accepting unrestricted passage for up to 28 tonnes axle weight and 50 licences per day for 28-38 tonne trucks , and Austria agreeing to increase licences for EC lorries to 1,300,000 for 1992 , but insisting that annual ceilings thereafter should embody a progressive reduction in pollutant output .
17 Mr Tom Crosby , chief officer for London , agreed that the level of care would drop but insisted that the army crews had some medical training and were not basic infantry men pressed into service .
18 Mr Tom Crosby , chief ambulance officer for London , said the level of care would drop but insisted that the army crews had some medical training and were not basic infantry men .
19 He blamed the delays on ‘ the realities of getting practical things off the ground ’ , but insisted that the Government was sticking to the original target figure and they were making ‘ excellent progress ’ .
20 They supported the plan , but insisted that the money for implementing it must come from economic growth and cuts in spending on welfare and education .
21 The Chief Constable of the RUC added confusion to the parades policy by announcing that he would permit an Orange church parade on the Sunday before the Twelfth to pass through the Tunnel because it would be a ‘ peaceful , dignified , church parade ’ but insisted that the Twelfth march had to be re-routed .
22 He had studied closely the threat posed by a reorganized Wednesday side but insisted that his own presence at Sheffield would be of psychological value to Arsenal on the Saturday .
23 When the respondent returned he was challenged but insisted that he was going to pay for the goods .
24 The Queen agreed to some of Diana 's demands but insisted that she accompany Charles to Korea .
25 She was dry by day and night but insisted that her mother put on her nappy for her to pass a motion .
26 Thornton agreed to stay , but insisted that his name be kept secret .
27 Both reluctantly agreed that they had reputations for fighting , but insisted that they had not strived for such status .
28 He announced that he was prepared to admit that the invisible undetectable substance existed on the moon , but insisted that it was not disturbed in the way suggested by his rival but in fact was piled up on top of the mountains so that they were many times higher than they appeared through the telescope .
29 McKenna , the new Home Secretary , again pledged his personal support but insisted that he could not guarantee the bill government time .
30 In biology , Richard Owen — who had led the conservative assault on Lamarckism in the 1830s — now accepted evolution , but insisted that it worked by a preordained process of ‘ derivation ’ .
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