Example sentences of "but stare [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He had sat opposite her , watching her while she ate , making an extravagant moue of distaste when she suggested that he share it , but staring at her with a concentrated , almost angry , satisfaction ; rather , she thought , as a mother might watch a convalescent child taking her first mouthful .
2 Creggan said nothing but stared over the grey rolling sea that had given the eagle whom he loved most in the world her name .
3 She did not respond to this , but stared at him , until he spoke again , saying , ‘ I 'd have been along before now , but I heard about me father the very day when we last spoke , and so I had to go off straightaway to Newcastle .
4 The men were gratified and returned his greeting , but stared at me with a mixture of impudence and hostility .
5 He did n't look at me , but stared at the ceiling , frowning against the smoke .
6 When he remained silent but stared at her , visibly shaken , his dark green eyes seeming to see right through her , she began crying .
7 He did not raise his eyes to Melanie but stared at the backs of his hands .
8 She did n't look at him now , but stared at her plate , and nibbled at a piece of fresh bread as a way of avoiding conversation .
9 He had manoeuvred her just right , pressing her into the tightest corner , standing squarely in front of her so that she had no choice but to stare into his dark , angry face .
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