Example sentences of "but i imagine " in BNC.

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1 We do not know whether those who have received an agricultural education run more profitable agricultural businesses but I imagine most people assume they do .
2 One day , in the dim and distant future , I expect that I shall want to move into different arenas , but I imagine that I shall continue as an NCT member , not just to receive my favourite journal , New Generation but also to carry on contributing to my favourite charity .
3 G4 ( clear ) , as sold in aquatic outlets , is really a concrete treatment , but I imagine it would also seal wood with a couple of coats .
4 True , four track is a mite limiting , but I imagine that live performance was again uppermost in Roland 's mind here .
5 Senior hospital caterer Jimmy Kikozi said : ‘ I have nothing to say about their food , but I imagine we will now see people wearing happy hats around the place .
6 Then , thinking she sounded brusque again , added , ‘ But I imagine it could be , in the right circumstances . ’
7 I ca n't be sure what my face looked like when I opened it and saw Maureen on the doorstep , but I imagine it must have had a grin on it from ear to ear .
8 Papa left him reasonably well provided for through more orthodox investments , but I imagine it just about breaks even .
9 London Irish coach George Hook , who has , in fact , made a player out of Higgins , believes there is a cultural problem : ‘ I do n't think our players drink very much but I imagine they drink more than their counterparts in other rugby countries .
10 But I imagine they will be looking at some sort of insurance claim . ’
11 This document has not been translated into Dutch , but I imagine that , had it been , extracts such as the one quoted above would have presented the Dutch translator with a problem ( bearing in mind that the above is only a short extract and that a similar pattern of thematic development runs throughout the Foreword ) .
12 I ca n't speak for Terry and Tom , but I imagine that as the night 's anger and frustration ebbed away , their determination had been blunted by the morning 's antics .
13 But I imagine the fact that it is Sipotai who is charging into the net must provide you with certain gratification . ’
14 Yeah but I imagine .
15 But I imagine the authorities were grateful to anybody who was prepared to take a couple of refugees off their hands and assume responsibility for them .
16 After a moment he added , ‘ I do n't know you all that well as yet , of course , but I imagine you 're not a person who throws emotions around , yourself ? ’
17 But I imagine it 'll all be people on that list who were involved in training , I ca n't remember .
18 But I imagine even that is bright enough to recognize an extraordinary woman when it sees one . ’
19 But I imagine you know what is said about you . ’
20 Her voice stayed steady , despite feeling sick with anger and humiliation ; ‘ — but I imagine the Cabinet Office must have had some idea as to whether this is going to touch on security within this country . ’
21 Michael Swinton is not , of course , one of our most distinguished painters , his style is too obvious , too photographic but I imagine that to you it seemed a wonderful distinction . ’
22 ‘ Faye and Bill will be eating at the hospital , but I imagine Belinda will want lunch once the room is ready .
23 ‘ The Bishop did n't specify in detail what he wanted to know , but I imagine he fears that Father Marr was killed because of something in his unknown past which may not be entirely creditable to the church .
24 That part of the Bill has been strongly opposed by the Ramblers Association , but I imagine that it will be welcomed by railway locomotive drivers who , for example , face more than 100 such crossings whenever they drive from King 's Cross to Newcastle .
25 But I imagine more basic .
26 There is no address on it , but I imagine Dr Serafin was an academic .
27 I have never been phoned by a Prime Minister before , but I imagine they are not used to being kept waiting .
28 But I imagine this often happens — people are for all practical purposes sane as far as the analyst 's door and become mad as they stretch themselves out and explain their sanity .
29 but I imagine some person would want to use their own
30 But I imagine they got
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