Example sentences of "'s [adj] eyes " in BNC.

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1 Dane 's mocking eyes flickered lazily over her dishevelled clothing .
2 At his uncompromising , pitiless remark , she covered her face with her hands , wanting to shut out Lucenzo 's cruel eyes .
3 Recognition came slowly , but , as she had feared , it came , and when it did so Havvie 's cruel eyes ran up and down her body .
4 Anthea Darnell 's coal-black eyes fixed on each of the officers in turn , then riveted their gaze to Montgomery 's face .
5 He looked straight into Wishart 's hooded eyes .
6 His arm was grabbed , and he turned to look into the blonde 's entranced eyes .
7 Athelstan stared into Sir John 's soulful eyes .
8 There was a glitter of hostility in the girl 's velvet-dark eyes which momentarily took Caroline 's breath away …
9 That road led only to self-destruction — she should know that better than anyone … only had to conjure up the sad , embittered look in her mother 's hazel eyes to realise the depths of pain such an entanglement could cause .
10 The unexpected male voice at the door made her heart race , but she was able to summon up a smile when she found herself looking into Gavin 's hazel eyes .
11 Shiona 's hazel eyes flickered with resolve .
12 At the sight of the driver , Ashley 's hazel eyes flew wide .
13 Maxham 's pale-blue eyes glanced down the hall to the kitchen .
14 Joe 's watery eyes opened and he smiled , displaying discoloured teeth .
15 A slight flicker of uncertainty showed in Vologsky 's brown eyes .
16 Claudia 's brown eyes well with tears .
17 But Hugh 's brown eyes were closed and his martyred Saint Sebastian head was flat on the pillow .
18 Antoine 's brown eyes lost that blind unfocused look ; she noticed a faint smile wander over his face as he began to see more clearly .
19 Adam 's brown eyes looked sincere .
20 Matthew 's brown eyes were everywhere ; occasionally they met Wycliffe 's only to flit away again .
21 Tate 's brown eyes , enlarged by his spectacles , gazed intently at Wycliffe for a moment or two before he replied : ‘ No .
22 But that would be for the sake of Matthew 's brown eyes .
23 David 's brown eyes looked anxiously into hers .
24 David 's brown eyes were still dark with emotion , yet there was a smile in his voice .
25 Travis 's brown eyes flashed her way briefly before he bent to his task again .
26 Vitor 's brown eyes trapped hers .
27 To Constance 's English eyes , his skin was so brown he might have been an Indian .
28 I read the words slowly , and remembered Will 's empty eyes that day in August .
29 Agrippa 's candid eyes rounded in mock amazement .
30 Glancing up , startled , she met Rune 's clear eyes narrowed in speculation , wondering just how much he was able to discern beneath the camouflage she 'd thought she 'd assumed .
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