Example sentences of "she needed to " in BNC.

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1 Soderstrom — who later in the concert jokingly apologised for her scratchiness — was obviously miserable , more miserable than she needed to be , about the quality of the sound she was making , and her misery took the form of distinguished concentration on pitch , so that there were many small uncharacteristic faults in her intonation .
2 Suddenly , overpoweringly , she needed her mother , she needed to be taken in her mother 's arms , like a little child and to be held there .
3 Maggie did not want to take her arms away from Phoebe , she needed to be held .
4 She needed to be the centre of attention and her clothes showed her love of display .
5 She was staring at me imploringly , unable to move the way she wanted , the way she needed to .
6 She wanted to , she really did , but she needed to be made to feel she could , or rather that she could n't not , that it was out of her hands , that she could n't help herself .
7 But the walls of her room seemed suddenly oppressive , and she needed to be somewhere less claustrophobic .
8 ‘ He was a great poet , ’ I said , as if she needed to be told .
9 She needed to be sick .
10 She rose quickly and lit the candles , all six of them which was wasteful , but she needed to be in the light for the shadows in the corners frightened her .
11 Frequently coming into the net , but solid as ever from the baseline when she needed to be , she reached her second Australian Open final in three years .
12 Limp and detached from her fast-shifting surroundings — maybe overwhelmed by those — she needed to be guided , almost carried along by Meh'Lindi for a while .
13 I had never been able to persuade her to accept any money for her kindness and tried to reciprocate by doing any small repairs she needed to her flat , and by supplying occasional tickets for the theatre , for the tennis at Wimbledon , and for the races at Epsom .
14 Nor to be reminded of their smouldering resentments against this girl of their of age who was so ‘ lady-like ’ and ‘ nose-in-the-air ’ so that they might feel that she needed to be brought down a peg or two .
15 She had her faults — she needed to be push-started and she had lost gears the way old people lose teeth — but it was difficult not to love her .
16 As she would do tomorrow , if she needed to , to realize her plans .
17 She was a clever old — Well , let's just say she was cleverer than Maurice thought , though not as clever as she needed to be .
18 ‘ Is this the kind of thing you want , old thing ? ’ he enquired kindly , obviously feeling that she needed to be humoured .
19 Just as before she had needed to stay inside the cottage , fearful that she would miss Johnny if he should come , now she needed to be away , out there where her world was still turning , and people laughed and played and did ordinary things .
20 She needed to be disenchanted too , from this shape in which she was held prisoner .
21 Just for a few minutes , she needed to be near to him .
22 She needed to be alone , and there was nowhere among all the tents and sideshows where she could hope to escape the milling crowd .
23 A few hours in Richard 's company was just the antidote she needed to Luke 's volatility .
24 She needed to be alone to sort out the battery of questions , to think .
25 Her grandmother sniffed and her mother promised to send in a note whenever she needed to be off PE .
26 She needed to be alone for this .
27 She needed to
28 She needed to be on her own .
29 She needed to be caressed and he caressed her , massaging and pinching at the puckered rose-pink nipples , until the heat burst into searing flame and wildfire licked over her body .
30 She needed to be on her own .
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