Example sentences of "she could hear " in BNC.

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1 She carried her haul up the hill to the cottage where she found the kitchen empty once again , although she could hear people talking in the living room .
2 She could hear him repeating phrases to himself through the thin wall between her room and his .
3 She could hear her three- year-old son Rufus laughing as he played on the swings nearby .
4 She could hear her mother 's distant laughter and her voice saying faintly , ‘ Rachel , do stop showing off . ’
5 More immediately she could hear Paul 's resounding ,
6 The earth on her fingers sung to her and she could hear the rhythm of the seasons , the wobbling journey of her planet through space , which gave the earth its sides and turns , and within that there were the smaller rhythms of her rake , of her tractor engine , of her trowel and of her brain .
7 She could hear a hedgehog moving ‘ noiselessly ’ in the undergrowth , distinguish trees by the rustle of their leaves in the wind and the feel of their bark , and know of the nearness of flowers by their scents .
8 Behind her , in the shadows , she could hear Florence making odd , bad-tempered cow-noises as she shifted about on the hard floor .
9 As she went round to the back of the Post Office , she could hear Mrs Hollins and Rachel in the kitchen , giggling and chattering while they cooked their Sunday lunch .
10 She could hear Gloria behind calling for her .
11 And she could hear the rooks cawing too .
12 Yet , I thought , it was necessary to speak , so that she could hear my voice — the family voice .
13 She could hear the clatter of iron shutters being cranked up over at the amusement arcades .
14 She could hear her own heart beating … .
15 It slipped down again and she could hear him swearing as he tried to haul it up .
16 Now she could hear the roar of her own energy in her ears .
17 She could hear Maria clattering about with her water buckets in the yard and far off church bells ringing somewhere north of the Arno .
18 There was a silence so complete she could hear the slight rasp in Mrs Browning 's chest , a rasp that broke into a cough she seemed to welcome .
19 Meanwhile , in her mind , she had visions of the Brownings rattling along in high good humour with all manner of beautiful vistas to right and left as they trotted to Arezzo and she could hear the conversation and Pen 's excited laughter .
20 When she woke , her husband had gone and outside she could hear horses in the street .
21 The room was empty , but she could hear Mr Browning 's voice from the bedroom and was now certain that was where the cry was coming from .
22 It was so close to her head she could hear Bella Kropotkin 's husky , languid voice .
23 ELISABETH WOKE EARLY ; IT WAS STILL DARK AND she could hear that the wind was up , threatening the air , poised to burst into uncontrollable rage .
24 And she could hear them talking through the bedroom wall .
25 She fancied she could hear the rustle of taffeta and a man 's step : liebchen .
26 She could hear guests on the tennis-courts ; if she were to walk back to the house now , straightway , taking the short cut , she could avoid them .
27 When the older woman strained to attract Fru Møller 's attention for more coffee , Elisabeth was sure that she could hear seams ripping apart and press-studs popping .
28 She could hear a quiver in his voice .
29 She could hear Jack and Alison modifying the pitch of their voices as they came up the stairs .
30 She could hear Moxie catching her breath .
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