Example sentences of "she would like " in BNC.

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1 She felt that she would like to take up life drawing .
2 A martyr of tolerance , I think she would like not to just purse her thin prim lips .
3 I think she would like to burn our houses down .
4 Elsewhere , the close-up , detailed approach which works brilliantly , say , for Imogen Stubbs 's affecting Desdemona ( the pathos of her disoriented , jittery jauntiness intensified by beautiful touches such as the sepia photograph of her estranged father she keeps on the bedside table in Cyprus or the chocolates from Casio that she has secreted in a locked draw , not because she fears sexual misconstruction but because she would like to be thought too grown-up for frivolous sweet-guzzling by Othello ) paradoxically diminishes Iago because it encourages the belief that he can be realistically ‘ explained ’ like a figure in a novel .
5 The gates are , in some way , an expression of anger towards the people she would like to trust .
6 Then , quite out of the blue at the end of 1983 , they had a letter from the Palace saying that the Princess had decided she would like to be their patron .
7 She hesitated , then said that she would like that rather than a drink , if he really would n't mind .
8 That 's why she is a bit nervous ; she would like to be alone with him , without Paul , and she does n't quite know how to arrange it .
9 And then , because he thought she would like it , ‘ I 'm sorry , Ma . ’
10 She would like you home with her now .
11 I can not keep her any longer for what she can afford to pay , and she would like you to find her accommodation near where you live .
12 When I asked if there was anything she would like me to bring , she shook her head .
13 ‘ No , I do n't think she would like that .
14 Not only did she find Charles 's brand of ignorance excessively boring , but she would like to warn him … that from now on , he would be hearing the Hörst Wessel Song every morning … that both blocks of flats would too … every morning … 7 a.m .
15 Also a writer , dancer , and an aspiring actress , Zoe has a firm idea of the kind of films she would like to act in .
16 Eleanor has said she would like an omelette . ’
17 She would like some coffee after all , she said .
18 ‘ No , no , well yes , she would like to meet you , but it 's for the medicine , ’ said Endill .
19 She would like to hear from mothers about experiences , such as predicting their babies needs or knowing of their babies feelings without being present .
20 A woman who has recovered from a stroke or head injury may decide she would like to work for the first time , as part of the challenge of overcoming her illness .
21 The Frenchman sat next to her , assiduous in his attentions to her needs , enquiring whether she would like more of this or that , whilst periodically paying her what he evidently considered rather dashing compliments .
22 The therapist encouraged Pamela to make a list of ways in which she would like her parents to change in terms of providing her with greater freedom .
23 However , she had encountered difficulties in drawing up a list of ways in which she would like her parents to be more tolerant .
24 She also asked Pamela to try again during the next week to draw up a list of ways she would like her parents to change .
25 In the last week of the pantomime , Jennie asked her if she would like to learn to dance properly , adding that Mr Tiller did n't like girls already trained but preferred them to learn his way .
26 Rosemary had been to Venice and seen the original bridge , and she enthused for a long time on the beauties of that city and how much she would like to go there again after the war was over .
27 A young reader would perhaps define an attractive author as one with whom he or she would like to spend a day .
28 Not that she would like it .
29 Then , last summer , Claudia our Italian friend stayed with us and Jeane asked if she would like to come to the Community Church .
30 She would like to be a children 's nurse .
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