Example sentences of "she sink down " in BNC.

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1 She sank down again , despairing .
2 Marion 's legs collapsed under her ; she sank down on a rock , and wept .
3 She sank down by the side of the road .
4 She sank down beside him , hand moving to his forehead .
5 She sank down on the bed .
6 She watched him go back to the kitchen and when he had shut the living room door firmly , she sank down on the rug in front of the gas fire with her back propped against the armchair and sipped gloomily at the wine .
7 When she returned to the kitchen , she sank down at the table and tried to eat a little of the food , conscious that Craig was watching her .
8 She sank down into a chair and watched as Craig knelt before the fire , building it back into a glowing warmth .
9 When the carriage was out of sight , she sank down into a chair and put her hands over her face .
10 She sank down , hugging her sides , praying that Tom , Amos and Oseri would n't suddenly appear from behind a boulder or a fold in the hillside .
11 She sank down into the smooth embrace of the sheets , at peace .
12 She sank down to the ground , hugging her knees and rocking herself back and forth to keep warm .
13 Gaining the peaceful emptiness of her mother 's large sitting-room , with its windows overlooking the spectacular view over the water to Fort St Angelo , she sank down into one of the green chintz sofas and took stock of herself .
14 She sank down on the bed with the photograph gripped so tightly in her hands that the paper buckled .
15 The quiet click of the latch sounded like a death-knell in the silent room , and she sank down on the bed , her mind and heart devoid of hope .
16 With a small sigh that sounded distinctly apologetic , she sank down on the edge of the armchair opposite him .
17 She sank down on to the sofa , breathing deeply to steady herself .
18 Robbie 's legs gave way and she sank down on the side of the bed .
19 But , as her stomach gave another helpless rumble of hunger , she sank down weakly on to one of the chairs and unceremoniously began ripping off the tin foil .
20 She sank down on to the bed and glanced at the writing pad that she 'd tossed there after a brief effort to write to Arnie .
21 How dared he ? she mourned as she sank down on her bed and gasped for breath , and knew then that Naylor Massingham 's low opinion of her would n't hurt anywhere near as much as it did , had she not just realised that she was desperately in love with him !
22 She sank down , as far away from him as was humanly possible , which was n't very far .
23 and she sinks down into her incontinence .
24 No sooner had she sunk down on one of the chesterfields than he was hunkering down in front of her , lifting her injured foot to rest on his knee , removing the shoe and gently touching the nylon-covered flesh beneath the delicate ankle-bone .
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