Example sentences of "she [is] doing " in BNC.

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1 But one man , one person , ca n't be home , she has to keep from panicking , trust she 's doing right , that 's all .
2 Her husband , Colin , said : ‘ She 's in discomfort but she 's doing really well . ’
3 I love Marie touching me like she 's doing now .
4 I know it ai n't polite to stare , but she 's doing it to me , and to tell the truth I 'm so tired I ca n't move .
5 I du n no what she 's doing , but she 's smiling real nice at me .
6 She 's doing a good job on sorting this Huerter thing , too .
7 ‘ She does n't tell me what she 's doing .
8 Look what she 's doing now !
9 Up to no good whatever she 's doing .
10 She 's doing her best .
11 She has a job to do , and she 's doing it quite well .
12 Pamela Chrimes had left for England and John wrote that Yvonne Blake ‘ is making an excellent Scarlet Woman , but her ankles are too weak for point shoes , so she 's doing it in high heels ; it looks quite nice . ’
13 ‘ Sounds as if she 's doing well , ’ Edward said .
14 She is so slowed down by the dope slamming fifty visions of hell at her a second that she finds it hard to fight , hard to believe in her own anger , hard to believe in what she 's doing .
15 She 's doing it to blackmail you , I know she is . ’
16 ‘ I ca n't believe she 's doing this to me after 33 years of marriage , ’ said Bill , who had retired with Anne to Guernsey after selling his shopfitting business in north London .
17 What she 's doing now
18 She 's called Louise Gander and she 's doing brilliantly .
19 And she 's doing shorthand , Pitman 's , she calls it .
20 Even though she 's not here in person , her personality comes across in terms of someone who knows exactly what she 's doing and is strong in her views .
21 ‘ God only knows what she 's doing here !
22 " Eddie knows what she 's doing .
23 Mm , and she 's doing a B-Tech first diploma in .
24 This is Dianne , she 's doing an apex course for one year .
25 But she looks as if she knows what she 's doing .
26 If she 's trying to draw the enemy 's fire , she 's not succeeding , Defries thought ; but she 's doing it exactly right .
27 What , exactly , do you think she 's doing ? ’
28 You wonder what she 's doing here .
29 So she 's doing something Er it is in a difficult situation and she knows what to do .
30 I board the plane feeling no pain , eat the evening meal and continue with the G&T theme , land in Gatwick and make the connection via the smoking area of the bar and another gulped Gordon 's , then pass on the second offered dinner but not the accompanying booze and quietly pass out somewhere over the West Midlands , to be woken by a dishy blonde with an impudent , dimpled smile and we 're here we 've landed we 've arrived , we 're on the stand at the airport and I 'd ask her what she 's doing later because I 'm drunk enough to not care when she says ‘ No ’ as she probably will , but I know I 'm too tired and besides my left eyelid 's stuck again and I suspect it makes me look a bit like Quasimodo , so I do n't say anything except , ‘ Uh , thanks , ’ which is cool or sad , I 'm not sure which .
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