Example sentences of "they [be] told " in BNC.

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1 Many of the girls who had been in her class at school , had they been told about it , would have scoffed at the coyness and naïvety of Marie 's fantasy .
2 Neither have they been told to test prisoners for drugs .
3 Adjustment is difficult , they are told .
4 If they are told the Home Office is ‘ minded to refuse ’ asylum they can apply for a judicial review .
5 Sometimes they are told to demonstrate what new recruits ( and the field-worker ) can expect ; on other occasions they are told to illustrate the funny or the tragic sides of policing ; or are used as a vehicle for the story-teller to display some features about him or herself , such as his or her experience and skill and ability in handling all things , and that he or she is professional in being able to talk about horror in a cold and detached manner .
6 Sometimes they are told to demonstrate what new recruits ( and the field-worker ) can expect ; on other occasions they are told to illustrate the funny or the tragic sides of policing ; or are used as a vehicle for the story-teller to display some features about him or herself , such as his or her experience and skill and ability in handling all things , and that he or she is professional in being able to talk about horror in a cold and detached manner .
7 One of the classic findings of media research in British election campaigns is Trenaman and McQuail 's ( 1961 ) assertion that ‘ the evidence strongly suggests that people think about what they are told … but at no level do they think what they are told ’ .
8 One of the classic findings of media research in British election campaigns is Trenaman and McQuail 's ( 1961 ) assertion that ‘ the evidence strongly suggests that people think about what they are told … but at no level do they think what they are told ’ .
9 They wait , kitted up and vehicles running , for ten minutes before the phone rings again and they are told to stand down ; it was a false alarm .
10 Their sons are noisy and mischievous and do n't always do what they are told , and in every respect are normal , healthy , confident little boys .
11 Yet now they are told they can expect to pocket £1,500 .
12 Yet now they are told they can expect to pocket £1,500 .
13 At the same time they are told they must shoulder bigger world responsibilities .
14 Some weapons home in on infra-red sources , some on radar , others just go where they are told .
15 ONE advantage for small countries in large empires is that they do not have to think up a defence policy : their armies do what they are told .
16 They are told that their children will have to endure years of wandering in the wilderness , suffering because of the faithlessness of their parents , until , God tells them , ‘ … the last of your dead bodies lies in the wilderness ’ .
17 Moses and Aaron bravely do not do as they are told , but this time they can not save the body of the people from disaster .
18 People who have been through this experience will describe how angry they feel with the doctor when having asked , ‘ How long ’ , they are told something like , ‘ We ca n't really say .
19 They are told by the media , and everything else , that their main function in life is to be attractive .
20 Then they come to you ( the third person principle ) and ask you to make sure they are told of everything in future .
21 A democratic society needs people who have the linguistic abilities which will enable them to discuss , evaluate and make sense of what they are told , as well as to take effective action on the basis of their understanding .
22 They are told about aids which can assist them and given time to discuss special problems .
23 Most people believe what they are told most often , and the myth has become unshakeable .
24 Than what they are told .
25 I think that the things that are taken for granted at home , make a deeper impression upon children than what they are told .
26 They are told enough to identify each substance as its molecular model is made ( eg H 2 toy balloons ; HF , etching glass ; CH 4 explosions in mines ) and are soon writing molecular formulae .
27 The first and most crucial step in training children to be social beings takes place when they develop a willingness to do as they are told .
28 Certainly anyone who has ever had a severe , immediate reaction to a food is likely to react in the same way if they are told that they have consumed some of the same food .
29 They shop for relief from physician to physician , their self-esteem diminishes , and.their anxieties increase when they are told repeatedly that their symptoms are ‘ only due to nerves ’ .
30 All comes from the Bible , which is offered to them as proof of the truth of what they are told , and gives them the impression that both extremes of behaviour are correct and righteous .
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