Example sentences of "with britain [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thus a secret US State Department memorandum could refer explicitly to " a special relationship " ( Acheson was reputed to have forbidden any such admission of this kind on paper ) which should exist with Britain for the pursuit of common objectives .
2 This amounted to FF29.2 billion last year with the French having a surplus in their trade with Britain to the tune of £729 million .
3 Nevertheless the underlying sentiment had a good deal to do with Iraq 's inability to stand by the treaty it had signed with Britain at Portsmouth in 1948 , and resentment aroused by post-war developments in Palestine did little to help .
4 With the failure of these discussions on economic union the Nordic states were left with the limited form of cooperation to which they had agreed in 1946 , and also with Uniscan , a loose , consultative structure they had entered into , albeit reluctantly , with Britain under the latter 's urging , but one which would involve little more than a multilateral attempt at coordinating economic policies .
5 Although the US Joint Chiefs of Staff in March 1946 seemed to regard the Far East as the most likely arena for a Soviet–American collision , they agreed that Soviet expansion from its borders westward or to the south could result in a conflict with Britain into which the United States might finally be drawn .
6 With tongue in cheek , the writer had suggested that a deal be struck with Britain over the Six Counties in the North .
7 Problems with Britain over Commonwealth trade , the position of sterling and the cost of CAP , were overcome in May 1971 .
8 He did n't approve of Celtic influence on what he called " the pure springs of Anglo-Saxon democracy " , holding that most of what had gone wrong with Britain over the past thousand years or so was the fault of " Celtic individualism " .
9 The United States showed no sign of wishing to intervene in Spain 's quarrel with Britain over Gibraltar , but was not deterred from seeking closer relations with Spain .
10 He also became embroiled in another conflict with Britain over Syria and Lebanon .
11 China has agreed to resume talks with Britain over the future of Hong Kong .
12 Monsieur Mitterand has already said that he 's going to seek to drive a harder bargain with Britain over fishing limits even than President Giscard was trying to do , and I think our negotiators must expect a rather tough time as far as fisheries are concerned .
13 This month 's tit-for-tat with Britain about the sale of landing slots at London 's Heathrow airport , which provoked American officials into banning low-price fares across the Atlantic , is one perverse result .
14 Some of the first Americans to urge a tougher anti-Soviet stance were also quick to see closer relations with Britain as an obvious corollary .
15 But the incident has drawn attention to the fact that since the collapse of the Soviet Union , Europe with Britain as America 's main ally can no longer expect to be guaranteed a place at the centre of United States foreign policy .
16 These countries could trade with Britain without being subject to the import duties and restrictions that applied to other countries and British capital could be invested in Sterling Area countries without restriction .
17 Encounters with Britain by Lee Eisenberg
18 Anyone else looking for commercial privileges would naturally be expected to provide an attractive loan , and in 1698 the new East India Company won the right to the monopoly of Indian trade with Britain by lending £2m. at 8 per cent .
19 Encounters with Britain by Lee Eisenberg
20 Holland often teams up with Britain in discussions on foreign policy , since both want to avoid any weakening of NATO .
21 The Danes , too , who tended to side with Britain in resisting this idea , have become noticeably more enthusiastic of late .
22 Gallup first asked in 1964 and then in all its 1992 surveys : ‘ With Britain in economic difficulties , which party do you think could handle the problem best — Conservatives or Labour ?
23 With Britain in the midst of a supposed punk revolution , Gedge followed this up a year later in swashbuckling style with an appearance in another G and S production , The Pirates of Penzance .
24 EC 's foreign ministers , with Britain in the chair , told EC president Jacques Delors a disastrous world trade war must be avoided at all costs .
25 How , in terms of lifestyle and standards of living , does Britain in the 1990s compare with Britain in the 1970s ?
26 At the same time , the USA was anxious at least to keep equality with Britain in the area .
27 Australia 's links with Britain in doubt
28 Mistrust of Russia was widespread , though , and discussions with Britain concerning a possible alliance were also carried on during 1901 .
29 His goal remained , as it had always been , partnership with Britain within the empire , and he required only to be convinced of British sincerity in working towards this goal to accept the principle of reaching it by easy stages .
30 Behind all this was discernible the dim outlines of an even grander vision — a vision of an Anglo-Saxon world state , in which Britain , the white dominions and America ( realigned with Britain after what Curtis referred to as the ‘ schism ’ of 1775 ) would in concert undertake to ensure the peace and prosperity of the world : Curtis was not called ‘ The Prophet ’ for nothing .
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