Example sentences of "[been] make in [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By joining seams carefully with mattress stitch the join will not show and the work will appear to have been made in one piece .
2 We still find Christian undergraduates entering universities , and ordinands coming into theological colleges , who have no idea of the tremendous advances that have been made in biblical scholarship and whose first contact with historical criticism is a dismaying and frightening experience instead of , as I think it ought to be , a liberating and wholly enhancing experience .
3 Moreover , Dewey gave an undertaking that no drastic changes would ever be made in the allocation of numbers to subjects , although certain modifications have been made in recent editions .
4 If investments have already been made in recent years , the average investor will not bother to make further improvements until energy prices begin to hurt .
5 Great strides have been made in recent years to offer greater choice and to personalise private rooms , but resources are never enough to provide the optimum living conditions for a comfortable and happy old age .
6 Large investments in this area also have been made in recent years , as indicated in Table 11.14 .
7 Considerable advances have been made in recent years in using computer models to understand the intellectual aspects of the human mind .
8 Early television cameras were large and the image of poor quality , but much progress has been made in recent years .
9 Nevertheless , much progress has been made in recent years .
10 The majority had no wish to stop work , particularly after the great strides which had been made in recent months , but they were n't going to be sat on either .
11 It 's it 's actually a very simple statement that 's been made in that sentence .
12 He added that concrete improvements had been made in that field , especially in Bulgaria .
13 A small step has been made in that direction .
14 Such a way of proceeding has much to recommend it , but scant progress has been made in that direction .
15 Decided to bid to operate the Scheme providing there was a stronger training element and moves have been made in that direction .
16 Similar theoretical studies have been made in other countries such as that by Professor Norman Rasmussen in the United States , who concluded that the worst possible reactor accident would cause 3300 deaths , 45,000 illnesses , and 1500 fatal cancers which would appear decades later ( Hawkes et al. , 1986 ) .
17 Despite this apparent lack of official enthusiasm , progress has been made in other areas .
18 Firstly the criteria for the mean electorate size for a European parliamentary constituency has previously been used as a justification for ignoring the case for Cornwall , yet concessions have been made in other areas establishing such constituencies that do not meet the size requirement an that 's because it is accepted that European parliamentary constituencies should be created along the lines of natural communities , communities of identity and communities of interest .
19 The dots could have been made in other ways , and hardly noticeable anyway .
20 But one aspect which is new springs from the advances which have been made in molecular biology .
21 Exceptions have been made in four areas where the high incidence of large industrial users quickly took up the 15% , but attempts by the EIUG to have the concessions extended have been rebuffed by Littlechild .
22 Terrific strides have been made in mental health in this county erm lots of it under voluntary and it is very much to be commended .
23 There is no doubt tremendous strides have been made in certain sections of the North 's economy but that progress has been partial and there have also been many setbacks .
24 By such methods , considerable progress has been made in certain respects by women 's , environmental and minority groups .
25 None the less , considerable cuts have been made in real terms , with per capita expenditure in education falling 10 per cent between 1975 and 1985 .
26 Apart from this type of building , attempts had been made in many countries to provide an adequate base for the circular section of the dome so that it could be set upon a square section building .
27 Although progress has been made in many areas , especially in removing technical barriers to the free movement of goods , and in the liberalisation of financial services , much remains to be done .
28 Steady progress has been made in many authorities in integrating some of the statemented children ( the two per cent ) into mainstream primary schools .
29 The call had been made in good faith : a car had looked as though it might turn over , but in the event it had not .
30 ‘ He made much worse cuts in the ‘ Scenes aux champs ’ of Berlioz 's Symphonie fantastique and in the last movement of Martinů 's Sixth Symphony , though these seem to have been made in live performances only . ’
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