Example sentences of "[been] in this [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Steve Cauthen is confident of a good run from Irish St Leger winner Mashaallah , but Magic Night has been in this battle before and this time she can win .
2 ‘ If she had done her job properly , I would never have been in this mess in the first place . ’
3 ‘ It seems the continental disease may have been in this country for some time , ’ Dr Tapper says , ‘ but we do n't believe hare populations are in serious danger . ’
4 Often , all education was conducted by the internees themselves — English lessons being given by people who had been in this country for a number of years .
5 I do not think that the hon. Member for Edinburgh , Central , his hon. Friends or the majority of my hon. Friends would say that the Government were wrong , rather than giving no status to people who have been in this country for a number of years , to have given them exceptional leave to remain .
6 Celmira : I 've been in this country for fifteen years .
7 Maybe they 're more cauti cautious than we have been in this country about the effect of Chernobyl .
8 Meanwhile , Mrs Hilali , who 's been in this resort in Turkey for most of this year , has now been charged by Turkish police with possessing hashish and pornographic videos , along with Philip Baker her adopted son .
9 But we have been in this type of business for longer and will score on our expertise and we will also benefit from the ability we have through branch offices to handle claims . ’
10 But we have been in this type of business for longer and will score on our expertise and we will also benefit from the ability we have through branch offices to handle claims . ’
11 ‘ I have n't been in this church for years . ’
12 I walked to Coruisk from Sligachan and on to Camusunary and Kilmarie with a young American friend who had never been in this part of Scotland before .
13 ‘ I 've not been in this part of the forest .
14 It is helpful if the speaker has good articulation ( crisp consonants ) and is able to phrase sentences so that the key word or subject does not depend on a high frequency — for example , instead of saying ‘ Do you know Sussex ? ’ ( key word Sussex ) , they could say ‘ Have you been in this part of the world before ? ’
15 ‘ I 've been in this part of the country before , remember , ’ he broke off to explain at Isabel 's surprised stare .
16 The family has been in this part of Scotland for about two hundred years or more , from what I can gather , and we used to own a lot of the land around here .
17 ‘ You have n't been in this neck of the woods for years , and I doubt if in all her life she 's been further than Blackpool . ’
18 Kerly added : ‘ I 've been in this game for 16 years .
19 I 've now been in this game for about eighteen years and I suppose thirteen of them I did n't have two beans to rub together .
20 The Garlands have been in this game for eighty years — accumulating , not spending .
21 I 've been in this frame of mind for a long time , but no one seems to notice . ’
22 We 've been in this house for about twelve years
23 A. There are , but we 've been in this business for nearly 200 years and pride ourselves in the fact that we have probably dealt with every known problem that has ever arisen .
24 Now I have been in this business for a long time , and I was at that conference , and I have to say that I had forgotten the resolution until I was reading things again in preparing for this talk .
25 The structure was there and I think anybody who 's been in this business for any number of years , some of us have been in it longer than others er know that you actually need a structure er of that , of that little .
26 That 's him been in this post for twelve years ?
27 Buckley has been in this job since 1988 and in the department since 1981 , but she started as a lawyer in private practice , a profession where equality is far more of a reality than in industry .
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