Example sentences of "he [modal v] call " in BNC.

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1 ‘ E's got a warm 'eart , 'e 'll call the doctor in if 'e thinks yer leg 's broke .
2 The building owner may either employ a builder to carry out the work or opening up and eradication , or he may call in one of the numerous specialist firms to deal with the attack .
3 Eleven by-elections are unlikely in the next few months — but if his majority is whittled down to five or six , he may call another election before too long .
4 Thus in a world of disorder and corruption , it was totally in keeping with God 's nature that he should call out one man , Abraham , and through him his descendants the Jews , to be the channel of grace and revelation to all mankind .
5 She had telephoned at nearly midnight to tell him I was n't very well and he should call before office hours in the morning to cheer me up , but he was n't back .
6 ‘ You are Miss Claudia Adams , owner of a dress shop and also a model , ’ he stated , his voice heavy with sarcasm , and Claudia , annoyed that he should call her beautiful showroom a dress shop , did n't bother to tell him she was n't a model .
7 He must call back .
8 He knew he must call her , call her back
9 He 'll call you when he gets in .
10 Do you think he 'll call John ‘ darling ’ ?
11 Do you think he 'll call ? ’
12 ‘ Anyway , that boy 's so rich , I do n't think he 'll call in my IOU . ’
13 Normski covered the baize with an enormous Scalextric set , and sometimes he 'll call up friends and they 'll race cars round the track for hours .
14 He 'll call the police . ’
15 He 'll call you Coco , ’ he said .
16 The hospital will give him my car-phone number and he 'll call me as we drive in …
17 No doubt he 'll call you as soon as he hears . ’
18 However please do n't anyone tell Graham Kelly about all this — he 'll probably try and stop us sending messages to list members in Europe , or make an announcement that the authorities are doing all in their power to break up some hooligan ring he 'll call the Sony Hedgehog Club .
19 ‘ He said he 'll call , so he 'll call , ’ she insisted .
20 ‘ He said he 'll call , so he 'll call , ’ she insisted .
21 He said two , he 'll call for me .
22 Sir : Shabbir Akhtar ( 10 October ) himself makes what he might call a pardonable error in thinking that to liberals — genuine ones , not the compromisers so regretfully limned in John Torode 's article ( 3 October ) - freedom of speech is an absolute value .
23 Now he was so close he though he might call on Gary 's horse before he went home .
24 Charles feared for the unity of his dominions under the threat of Protestantism , and it seemed he might call a national synod in Germany which would not only undermine the authority of the papacy , but in the interests of political unity approve theological positions Rome could never accept .
25 He might call her McAllister , but since she had fled from him she had become Sally-Anne again .
26 He said that he might call on you at some other time . ’
27 , do you think he might call Ba in Barnstaple ?
28 I think he realized that what he might call the party of reason , that 's to say the party of those who do n't see things in terms of ideological shibboleths , but in terms of the long-run interests of humanity , ca n't become a party of action .
29 Whether it was the unsavoury reputation of the government of Lloyd George ; or whether it was the division in the party between the followers of Lloyd George and the followers of Asquith ; or whether it was the aftermath of universal suffrage and the desire of the working man for a party which he could call his own — it now looked certain that the party division of the country would no longer lie between Liberal and Conservative but in a wider gulf between Conservative and Labour , with the Liberal Party on the sideline .
30 I do n't know how David 's Mum got there because he decided not to tell her , even though I said he could call her because it 's not really fair to get married without letting her know . ’
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