Example sentences of "[been] [v-ing] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In those few minutes she 'd simply been reacting to the mood he 'd created so skilfully .
2 Martin and Roberts ( 1984 , pp. 11–12 ) found that older women , many of whom would not have been contributing to the state pension scheme in their own right , tended to leave the labour market in their mid-fifties .
3 Third To make the public aware of what has been happening to the badger .
4 I 'm gon na start by going back to that graph we looked at first thing this morning which is trying to explain what had been happening to the pattern of tourism , both visitors to this country and visitors moving away from this country in the period nineteen seventy eight to nineteen eighty two .
5 Now , while this had been happening to the fisherman , his poor dumb wife was left alone in the lonely hut .
6 The fact that my innocent inquiry had provoked such a defensive , almost hostile response got me thinking about what has been happening to the labour force since the mid-1970s .
7 Comparison of ‘ To Lucinda ’ with the first publication of ‘ The Rural Maid 's Reflexions ’ shows that Browne , for whatever reason , changed at least one title , though he may have been returning to the original .
8 ‘ He 's not your servant , miss , ’ said Zillah , who had been listening to the conversation .
9 In the pilot 's seat Bill has been listening to the conversation behind him .
10 The officer commanding the militia had been listening to the conversation between the two men with growing unease .
11 Loretta turned to find that Geoffrey Simmons had been listening to the conversation .
12 Has the right hon. and learned Gentleman not been listening to the chorus of demands from the CBI , from the trade unions and now also from a number of Conservative newspapers for an increase in capital allowances for manufacturing industry ?
13 For some time Leonard had been listening to the music of the day , which he shared with his mother and sister .
14 Obviously he had been listening to the battle .
15 Thiercelin , for instance , had no idea of the fact that they had been listening to the work of the greatest composer of the day .
16 ‘ You 've been listening to the hoodoo doctors , ’ he says .
17 Ali had been listening to the discussion .
18 They 've all been listening to the trainer .
19 Erm I have n't actually been listening to the programme I was asleep I 've got to be honest .
20 ‘ By the way , I 've just been listening to the news .
21 George Underwood : ‘ It was all instigated by David really , because he had been listening to the World Service on the radio and suddenly got the bug to get involved in American Football , and he wrote to the American Embassy asking for more information .
22 and Peter came in the morning , I never thought anything I 'd been listening to the radio , I heard there was a big accident on the road , a car accident
23 She had n't really been listening to the talk last night , but there had been — what ?
24 And it gets in your hair and it gets in your clothes , she must have been listening to the television .
25 She 's been writing to the Health Minister , her local MP and Norma Major every day for 2 weeks and plans to continue .
26 And , the greatest guilt of all , if she had not been in Maisie 's house … if Maisie had not been tending to the birthing … then the fire would not have happened and that darling woman would be alive today .
27 The Board 's area general manager , Tom Frawley , commented : ‘ There never has been any intention to close accident and emergency and I feel the rumours have been damaging to the public 's confidence in the hospital and to the morale of staff ’
28 Matisse , as has been seen , had for the past years been turning to the work of Cézanne for inspiration , and by 1906 Derain was looking at his work also , so that it was only natural that Braque , who had discovered Fauvism through them , should once again follow their example , although he was already well acquainted with Cézanne 's work .
29 His mind for a long time before this crisis arose had been turning to the idea of a new party orientation and government by what he called a Council of State …
30 I believe that there are four excellent fund holding practices in my hon. Friend 's neighbourhood , and they have been adding to the region 's total health care provision and are bringing new services to patients .
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