Example sentences of "[been] [v-ing] for [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 And proud too , cos blimey , I been walking for ages and when I get back home she 'll think I been real clever to find my own way back , and I ai n't got a yellow card or nothing .
2 ‘ I 've been knocking for ages and all ye do is laugh up at me . ’
3 Two district councils , Angus and Cumnock & Doon Valley , have already been pressing for changes and the committee was told that many other authorities were experiencing disadvantages because of the rule .
4 Professor Alex McDougall , convener of the institute 's VAT sub-committee , said ICAS had been pressing for Customs and Excise and the VAT tribunal to have to power to mitigate penalties .
5 The Moslems , supporters of the Democratic Action Party ( based in Bosnia-Hercegovina ) , were protesting at what they claimed to be repression of the rights of Moslems in the Sanjak and Serbian efforts to drive them out ( Sanjak Moslem militants had been agitating for autonomy and closer links with Bosnia-Hercegovina , where Moslems were the largest national group ) .
6 ‘ This thing has been smouldering for years and now it 's finally broken through .
7 Lesley saw it more as a letting-off of repressed energy : ‘ I think this thing has been smouldering for years and now it 's finally broken through .
8 If he had really only been looking for shelter and a place to doss down for the night , why look further than this ?
9 Thus flighted , I sent them shooting out over the mud and the water towards their suffocating ends ; then I buried them , using as coffins the big matchboxes we always kept by the stove , and which I had been saving for years and using as toy-soldier containers , model houses and so on .
10 Even one would be good enough for there are riders who have been racing for years and have never gone well here . ’
11 You have got to train that person which you could have been doing for years and
12 It 's been dripping for weeks and Timmy 's always falling about in the mud . ’
13 The Merseyside Police Raft Race has been running for years and during that time has raised vast sums for local charities .
14 ‘ Posh restaurants have been closing for renovations and re-opening as cheap eateries . ’
15 It had been unnerving for Martin and we had wasted a lot of time , but we pushed on to the final ridge .
16 It 's a time bomb that 's been ticking for centuries and the fuse has always been gold .
17 Perhaps , thought Robert , he had simply been playing for time and had now come up with a credible answer .
18 Maurice Hope held a similar view , though he favoured social rather than genetic factors : ‘ Black people are natural fighters ; they 've been fighting for survival and they 've been in that condition all their lives .
19 Merlin , who 'd been covering for Paul and protecting the South Sussex 's goal , cleared once again , but Perdita blocked his shot .
20 She 'd been longing for peace and quiet so that she could get on with her carving , and , now that she had it , was standing here like a loon !
21 The brew is still fermented for days , using the same yeast which has been working for years and years .
22 Like the ‘ Samson ’ , it is an important rediscovery , once in the Demidoff Collection , that had been missing for decades and was last seen in at the C.L.Cardon sale in Brussels in 1921 .
23 Do you know I 've been dieting for week and I feel
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