Example sentences of "[been] [v-ing] [noun sg] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She had been cooking rice for supper .
2 You , you , you 've all hea heard of Marie Curie , famous erm scientist who pioneered a lot of the work on radioactivity in the early part of this century and the last part of the last century she in fact was Polish , lived in , in , in Paris , married a French man called Pierre er hence she 's known as Marie Curie well Pierre Curie was also a scientist and he was er baffled by the affect that , th the fact that there did n't seem to be any biological affects er certainly the doses of radiation that , that they were , they were getting they 'd handled tons and tons of pitchblende , that 's radioactive ore they extracted several grammes of radium from it , they 'd been handling stuff for years they were n't ill , they obviously had n't died and so on .
3 ‘ Mankind has been seeking proof for centuries . ’
4 Lewis began his Narnia stories for children in 1949 , but he had been publishing fiction for adults since Out of the Silent Planet ( 1938 ) , a mixture of space-fiction and theology that he was soon to extend into a trilogy , ending with That Hideous Strength ( 1945 ) .
5 It 's you know and my pride was getting a little bit dented that I 'd been selling market for years suddenly I was n't doing this .
6 Doctor , both you and the TARDIS have been going ga-ga for months .
7 The Clarke family have been brewing beer for past 140 years .
8 Gordon 's favours Umbrian juniper berries — and the Scarponis , who have been harvesting juniper for Gordon 's for over 40 years , use their local knowledge to find the very best juniper Umbria can offer .
9 My first contact with Todd , was through a teacher in the program who had been providing catechesis for Todd .
10 Houseplants are good for you , according to Californian a laboratory that has been doing research for NASA into the use of plants in space .
11 In one sense this kind of thing has been taking place for centuries .
12 At the Court of Appeal today , Rachael 's solicitor explained that he 'd been frightened of losing the children , and that for several weeks before the killing he 'd been taking medication for depression .
13 They 've not been making money for years though
14 Ducal have been making furniture for a ) 25 years b ) 35 years c ) 50 years
15 THEY 'VE been making room for murder at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre , Guildford this week , and proved that given the right stage , crime certainly does pay .
16 He had been playing centre-half for Clapton , alongside Denis Hill-Wood , son of the then Arsenal chairman , when he got a telegram from Clapton 's secretary Harry Kordell .
17 I 'd been playing slide for years and I found myself in a blues band .
18 The abattoir had been fighting closure for years after increased European competition began to hit .
19 He 'd been receiving treatment for depression and friends believe he committed suicide .
20 Mr Prais said the accused had been receiving treatment for depression at the State Hospital in Carstairs and the Crown 's view was that psychiatric help should be continued .
21 Get set for the Kielder Classic , the final race in the Moore Large Series of mountain biking events which have been raising money for Help the Aged throughout the year .
22 SIDT 's initial start-up funding and training support came from the Foundation for the Peoples of the South Pacific ( FSP ) and for the last four years , the UK Foundation ( FSP/UK ) , based in Edinburgh , has been raising money for SIDT throughout Europe .
23 More than 30,000 pupils from 70 Wirral schools have been raising money for Winch , which expects to hand over a five-figure cheque to the national appeal the following Friday .
24 Dave said : ‘ I have been raising money for charities at Bidds for quite a few years .
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