Example sentences of "[been] [vb pp] in [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The Court then decided that the Tribunal 's decision was perverse , because there was no material from which to conclude that the hypothetical man guilty of misconduct would not have been dismissed in the same way as was S. Her appeal was dismissed and leave to appeal to the House of Lords was refused .
2 Transverse effects have been examined in a few instances .
3 Why two such important Russian spies should have been placed in the same cell block so that they could freely meet and talk together is a mystery .
4 Over one year , a £10 a month investment would be worth a respectable £143.26 now , if it could have been placed in the same hypothetical fund .
5 My constituent , Mrs. X , who is still suffering badly , had been treated in a less than fair way by those who conducted the criminal investigation and also by those who decided that there were no grounds for bringing the perpetrator in front of a court martial .
6 She should have been treated in the same way that an older man would be dealt with for corrupting a young girl .
7 Since April 1989 , people in board-and-lodging accommodation have been treated in the same way as most other recipients of income support .
8 The faculty denied having discriminated against her and said she had been treated in the same way as all others seeking membership of the bar .
9 The sixth-century papal sacristy used during Lent has been located in the former wine cellar of the convent .
10 However , abnormal neurological signs ( notably unusually brisk tendon reflexes and tremor ) are common in older subjects , and overt neurological deterioration has been reported in a few early treated young adults .
11 To give a harmonious look to the room , the living and dining areas have been decorated in the same style .
12 The effect is strikingly original and so successful that several more rooms have been decorated in the same way .
13 Had that been approached in the same meticulous way ?
14 The Committee of Senior Officials ( CSO ) of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe ( CSCE ) , meeting in Prague on Nov. 5-6 , made public a specially commissioned report recommending the creation of an international tribunal to try war crimes alleged to have been committed in the former Yugoslav republics of Croatia and Bosnia-Hercegovina .
15 Career family home — all had been ruined in a few seconds .
16 If the non-transferable votes had been transferred in the same proportion there would have been insufficient transfers to Donnelly to ensure his election .
17 It reveals all that has been said in the many policy launches and the speeches that have been made all over the country .
18 This residue has no doubt lost the shape of dividends , share warrants or the like but so would the entire income of the fund if it had been lodged in the same way with the Respondent 's bankers .
19 England have been drawn in the same pool as Pakistan , the host nation , for next February 's World Cup in Lahore .
20 They have been drawn in the same group , along with Steve Dorking , the England No.9 .
21 Scotland have been drawn in the same section as Ireland and Wales and are looking to go forward to a promotion play-off with the winners of a section involving Germany , Austria and Norway .
22 And the same amount of things per head of the population will have been produced in the same ways by the same classes of people for many generations together ; and therefore this supply of the appliances for production will have had full time to be adjusted to the steady demand .
23 It has already been used in a few clinical trials in normal volunteers and diabetics .
24 The hit man has been called in a few times to finish off Jeffrey Probyn yet never once has he managed to carry out his murderous brief .
25 I 've spoken to quite a few small businessmen who have been affected in the same way .
26 We discovered a strange fortuity : her mother and my father had been born in the same town of Dumfries and , moreover , we had a marriage connection — her cousin had married my cousin 's cousin !
27 It was there that he met up with William 's younger brother John — they were contemporaries , having both been born in the same year — and began a friendship that ended only with John 's death in 1793 .
28 I felt as though I had been reincarnated in the same lifetime .
29 Although the funded consultant posts for junior doctors ' hours will help , these have been concentrated in a few specialties , and the recession has provoked concerns that the rate of consultant expansion may even fall .
30 Apart from the contributions they both made to raising the general temperature along the international border in the months leading up to the Iraqi onslaught in September 1980 , the first blow appears to have been struck in the same month by Baghdad with a broadcast announcement of the death of Ayatollah Khomeini.i The Iraqis had previously given a trial outing to a line of attack which underwent persistent repetition as the war proceeded .
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