Example sentences of "[been] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 you could see it like , er but it could easily have been filled in with some wood and nobody would know it was there , yeah
2 It was coloured a garish blue , an obvious re-spraying job after massive areas of the body-work had been filled in after various collisions .
3 Daffodil Quentin 's runner , Pampering , had been flown in with five others owned by people on the train , all of whom were strolling around with rosettes and almost permanently smiling faces .
4 By 8am they have been joined by over 50 more , and at least 80 vehicles .
5 Twenty minutes later the guest speaker , Alex Campbell ( Newcastle upon Tyne ) arrived ( his train had been delayed by over two hours ) and the audience was entertained with a lecture/demonstration on Instant fire .
6 The ruins of the rack shelving were leaning against the wall ; the books had been stacked up in neat piles beside it .
7 AN IDEA for transmitting signals through the mains wiring has been traced back to 1897 , when Joseph Routin and C. E. L. Brown of Zurich , Switzerland , took out British Patent number 24833 .
8 But the DIA would n't risk any action based on information that might have been traced back to one of Asmar 's people .
9 Colic , eczema , asthma , persistent runny nose , glue ear , headaches , migraine and even behavioural problems , have all been traced back to certain foods or food additives .
10 The salmonella has been traced back to contaminated Scotch eggs .
11 Mills 's activity as a surveyor and architect has been traced back to 1638 , but his claim to architectural celebrity was his building in 1654–6 of Thorpe Hall , near Peterborough , for Oliver St John [ q.v . ] ,
12 Having been placed on to three lengths of webbing , six men would be required to lift the shell and put it into the case ; the webs were then cut , as it would not have been possible to withdraw them .
13 The first Cistercians were men who sought to return to the simplicity of Benedict 's Rule and to its strict observance which they argued had been altered out of all recognition by the Cluniacs who spent much of the day in a long and elaborate round of services in choir .
14 The contrast between Reagan and his predecessor in these situations has been pointed up by one Democratic congressman .
15 Not only in P P G seven but as has been pointed out in other erm guidance notes such as four erm and three .
16 It has been pointed out by various ‘ consumer experts ’ and journalists , who feel they have stumbled on a minor scandal that deserves an exposé , that many mineral waters contain significant amounts of metals and salts .
17 It introduces , as has been pointed out by numerous speakers , the famous eighteen month rule .
18 The potential dangers of the unthinking use of league tables , however , as currently presented have been pointed out by several authors .
19 The point of departure is the general valuation model that has been developed out of discounted cash flow ( DCF ) techniques .
20 My name had been bandied about in recent weeks , ever since the ban was reduced by two years .
21 This has gradually been whittled down to nine attainment targets per child , to take 12 to 15 hours , and the tests are to be paper and pencil only .
22 By October , when the administration 's Operations Sub-Group on Terrorism met in the White House Situation Room , the target list had been whittled down to one , Fawaz Younis , whom the CIA described as ‘ a key player in the back-street world of terrorism … who reported directly to the leadership of the Shiite Amal militia ’ .
23 The original 260,000 employees have since been whittled down to 50,000 and Sir Monty is a little resentful that he is probably most remembered for setting that radical rundown in motion .
24 Administrative assets " primarily used for the purposes of the former Ministry of State Security/National Security Office " would " accrue to the Trust Agency unless they have already been given over to new social or public purposes since the above mentioned date " .
25 As more animals have been brought inside by the introduction of intensive feeding systems , so more land has been given up to arable production .
26 Len Daniels had been given up for dead by his wife .
27 Free sparring accustoms beginners to being attacked and teaches them how to handle certain situations using the techniques they have been taught up to that stage .
28 Helena said : ‘ I know I have no overdraft facility but I genuinely believed there was enough money to pay my mortgage and feel I have been punished out of all proportion .
29 Along one wall of the warehouse , four loose-boxes had been partitioned off by old refrigerators pushed together , which made very satisfactory walls .
30 Now various versions of Unix have been boiled down to two : one from the Open Systems Foundation , a consortium that includes IBM , Hewlett Packard and DEC , and one from Unix International , a consortium involving AT&T and Sun Microsystems .
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