Example sentences of "[been] [vb pp] [adv] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 It might even be possible to create a ‘ place in the sun ’ , where car parking has been placed underground because a place in the sun for townsfolk is more important than a place in the sun for cars ( e ) .
2 Half of one ear was missing , and his nose had obviously been broken more than a few times .
3 These figures had now been revised so that a truer comparison of the housing stock 's condition could be made .
4 Nearby at Clappersgate the spinning porch at Willy Hill ( now Willow Hill ) has been demolished recently and a modern structure put in its place .
5 A layer high in the sequence will have been deposited later than a lower one , and , provided there has been no disturbance , the artefacts in the higher level will be younger than those underlying .
6 It has been noted also that a particular salacious title for a fabliau , irrespective of the nature of the fabliau 's contents , may have been the secret of the contemporary success of some , as measured by the number of extant manuscript copies .
7 If the information has been entered correctly and a link is established with LIFESPAN , the Master Level Index Page will be displayed .
8 It has been found there that a high proportion of buyers actually live within 50 miles of the timeshare development and use it to relax completely for one week per year .
9 The present research has been proposed so that a more detailed and extensive study of young visually impaired children 's spatial and map abilities can be carried out .
10 I could not be bled and have been dealt more than a hundred blows so that I got a thorough grinding . )
11 One side of the cart had been cut away and a plank balanced in front , on carpenter 's trestles loaned free and willingly .
12 I had n't been gone more than a minute .
13 The widow of a Naval airman has been awarded more than a hundred and sixty thousand pounds in damages after he died following a bout of heavy drinking .
14 A former dockyard fitter who contracted leukaemia after working on nuclear submarines , has been awarded more than a hundred and sixty-seven thousand pounds in damages against the Ministry of Defence .
15 ‘ It must have been thrown more than a quarter of a mile .
16 Mermaids have been sighted there and a ghost haunts a derelict bothy near the loch .
17 This principle has been extended so that a person who books a holiday on behalf of others , e.g. a husband booking on behalf of himself his wife and children , may obtain damages not only for his own disappointment etc. but also for the disappointment sustained by his wife and children .
18 Just seven days earlier , they were warned their new-born babies may have been tagged wrongly when a fire alarm went off .
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