Example sentences of "[been] [vb pp] [adv] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So it was only in the nineteenth century when all the loopholes had been stopped up that marriage became in fact what it had always been in theory , indissoluble .
2 The aircraft had been flown already that day , before refuelling for Herr Hess 's trip , and the motor was still warm .
3 As has been pointed out many times in the past , sport is n't played on paper , it 's played on grass .
4 The amplifier will then have been adjusted so that zero field corresponds to zero output , the first step in achieving calibration .
5 Which should have been done a long time ago , and I 've been given yet another extension .
6 The attitudinal function has been given so much importance in past work on intonation that it will be discussed separately in this chapter , though it should eventually become clear that it overlaps considerably with the discourse function .
7 Seldom can a chancellor have been given so much advice , some of it sought , some of it gratuitous — and , as is the way with this subject , much of it conflicting .
8 Seldom can a chancellor have been given so much advice , some of it sought , some of it gratuitous — and , as is the way with this subject , much of it conflicting .
9 He had been given so many things to digest , not the least that it was possible Celia might have a father still living .
10 Never before had anyone in Europe been given so many transplants :
11 At the back of his mind was the fear that he had been given too much air , that his lungs could not sustain the pressure , that they would collapse as Commander Barnwell 's had collapsed .
12 It is a pity but my father , Elfed , has been given very little credit in articles and books .
13 I think to be honest to you , the the have been given very little guidance , she does n't understand what 's supposed to happen
14 A police officer told the coroner he 'd found youths on the site at least six times since the fence had been erected earlier this year .
15 In the 1970 's and early ‘ 80 's the Club saw more changes than in the whole of its earlier history , so much so that in 1976 former President Tom Luker said of the course shortly before his death ( 1977 ) , ‘ It has been modified so many times it has gone full circle ’ .
16 He had been let down several times , they had done all sorts of things without asking him , and sometimes he only found out what they 'd been up to when the papers rang for comment .
17 He 's been sat there all day like a stuffed dummy , then he suddenly comes to life , grabs the dinner and runs off with it trailing between his legs , tripping and stumbling over it in his anxiety to have it all to himself .
18 I 've been sat there all evening nobody 's eaten it so I thought I might as well get on and eat it
19 On the other hand Labour 's commission will start to develop proposals only after a broad social and economic ‘ audit ’ of the population has been carried out this year .
20 Windmill Fields and the Lymington Bottom triangle had been definitely listed as open space , and once landscaping work has been done both these areas will be handed over to the parish council for maintenance .
21 If so , what was this creature , that had stood before him naked and singular , but concealed multitudes ? ; this power Chant had said possessed no friends ( it has only ADORERS AND UNDOERS , he 'd written ) and had been done as much harm in these dealings ( again , Chant 's words ) as Estabrook , to whom Chant had offered his contrition and his prayers ?
22 It 's been done too many times .
23 Oak Grove Road slopes down sharply from Croydon Road and houses had already been built nearly half way down .
24 The Luna Café on Soviet Boulevard faces the gardens and the old Liberation monument that had been built there several régimes back and — so it is said — was something of a milestone in municipal graft .
25 It has not been revealed how much money the Bulgers have been paid for the interview , but the figure is thought to be in the five-figure bracket .
26 Her make-up had been applied thickly that morning but with great dexterity .
27 It has been made plain that Government policy on aid will be increasingly conditioned by the performance of recipient governments in terms of human rights and observance of democratic practices , and I wholly welcome that .
28 He 's been made up this morning , he 's had a big tax rebate , fifteen hundred quid !
29 We have been written off all season , but we must keep believing . ’
30 Mr Pozsgay has been written off many times .
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